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It has been a week and Yoongi and Hoseok have been closest than ever, Yoongi is changing into a completely different person. He tries to be polite at all times, and after being good, looks at Hoseok, as if waiting for his appreciation, and that is what Hoseok does.

Every time Yoongi acts good, Hoseok either pecks him, kisses him or hugs him, telling him how proud of him he is.

Not just his personality, but also his dressing style has changed. Earlier, Yoongi used to wear branded clothes, but now, Yoongi prefers Hoseok's clothes. Yes, he wears lose T-shirts of his boyfriend, along with his boxers and moves around the house just in that.
Hoseok wants to stop him and encourage him at the same time. He looks so cute in his oversized T-shirts, shirts and hoodies, that even if his thighs are showing most of time. Hoseok can't bring himself to complain.

Also, his behaviour with others has changed dramatically. He bows to elders, no matter rich or poor and always talks to all his workers respectfully.

He thanks them whenever required and apologizes whenever it's something wrong he does.

Yoongi's and Jimin's relationship has also become very great, just like soulmates. Yoongi although talks less, and is not that comfortable with anyone but Hoseok, but Jimin understands him now and he is very thankful for that.

Min Yoongi has finally stopped shouting and Hoseok has finally started calling him Jung Yoongi instead.

Earlier, Hoseok was just waiting for this day to come, when Yoongi becomes nice, considerate and a responsible person, so that he can call him Jung Yoongi, and thankfully, his prayers were answered.

Jung Yoongi, as Hoseok describes him now, is a very shy and curious boy. It’s as if, he is like a new born baby, exploring things, feelings and emotions for the very first time. Hoseok finds this intriguing and adorable at the same time.

Yoongi has stopped using his phone anymore. He doesn’t care about any materialistic things now. Yoongi and Hoseok spend almost all the time together, playing weird games, watching animated Disney movies, eating pop corn, trying to cook, dancing to weird yet crazy music from around the world, making each other’s piggy tail, laughing and giggling, and living their lives to the fullest. About three days ago, the Min couple had a serious talk with Yoongi, telling him how sorry they are for not being responsible parents and how proud they feel of how Yoongi is working on himself.
They told him how much they love him, and how he is their world to them. The whole time, Yoongi was holding Hoseok’s hand tightly, who was himself caressing the younger’s hand with his fingers gently. He could see from the times Yoongi gulped and wiped his tears.

And this was a very important step for him to move on from his past. Once the parents were done with their confession, accompanied by tears and apologies. Yoongi looked at Hoseok with his own teary eyes, as if again lost. Not knowing what to do. But just like every other time.

Hoseok smiled warmly at him, hugged him and told him to close his eyes and listen to his heart. And Yoongi did just that. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and then opened them, still glossy, but he had a big smile on his face, which made his eyes disappear.
He stepped towards his parents and hugged them, telling them that he forgives them and even he is sorry for behaving like that for so many years.
“Family is to love each other, to stay by each other’s side in tough times, and to forgive the past mistakes. That’s what Hoseok told me” This is what Yoongi said to his emotional parents, who hugged him again and sobbed. He looked at Hoseok again, who had such big proud smile on his face.

So overall, everything was finally on track, And Yoongi was finally accepting the fact that he is love with Hoseok. And he has no problem with that, because this is the best feeling he has ever felt and he won’t trade it for anything else in the world.

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