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"So he had an accident?" Jimin asked, looking at Hoseok, who nodded still looking at the road.

"But... Uncle Min never told us about it" Jimin mumbled, now looking ahead as well.

Hoseok and Jimin were going to get their mother's birthday present. Hoseok was driving and Jimin was seated beside him on the passenger seat.

"Hmm. Neither did Yoongi's mother, or the maids of that house, even when I clearly asked them about his past" Hoseok said, with a small frowning, still driving looking at the road.

"But why would they hide it?" Jimin asked, looking at Hoseok.

Hoseok just shrugged, not knowing the answer to that question himself.

After a few more minutes they finally reached their destination, and Jimin's eyes and mouth hung wide open.

"You gotta be kidding me" He said, looking at the huge board over the orphanage's front gate.

Hoseok just smiled and parked the car before stepping out,

"Hope!" Jimin called him, stepping out himself, looking at his older brother with big eyes, while Hoseok just continued walking with a smug look on his face.

They entered the orphanage building, and kids were playing around.

"You are not doing what I think you are doing right?" Jimin asked, rushing to walk beside his brother.

"What do you think I am doing?" Hoseok asked with a smirk, still not stopping, making his way to the administrative block.

"Buying the whole damn orphanage for Mom's birthday present?!" Jimin almost shouted.
Hoseok chuckled and shrugged, "Well, I always wanted to gift this to her"

"You are not doing this just for Mom, are you?" Jimin asked, almost tearing up.

Hoseok finally stopped and turned towards his brother, "I know how much this place means to you. And I'd be more than proud if you take charge of this once you get old enough" Hoseok said ruffling his baby brother's hair affectionately.

"Hyung..." Jimin mumbled with trembling lips and teary eyes, before hugging Hoseok tightly, who gladly hugged him back.

They finally made the way inside the office, where an old, extremely old and grumpy lady was sitting on the desk.

Hoseok and Jimin exchanged a look before finally going in,

"Good morning Ma'am."' Hoseok said respectfully. "I am Jung Hoseok, I am here to finish the paper work for the ownership of this orphanage"

"Oh...Yeah...Yeah...Sit...down." The old day said, each word elongated more more required, in her trembling voice. She slowly, extremely slowly got up.

While Hoseok sat on the chair in front of her desk, while Jimin looked around, at the shelf of books, albums and papers on one corner the lady opened a cabinet, mind you, extremely slowly and made her way back to the desk with a file, giving it to Hoseok.

Hoseok just blinked at her and took the file, going through it. While Jimin had fortunately found the file with the documents regarding the adopted kids record.

Jimin smiled looking through the old pictures of the children, some of whom he knew and had spent his childhood with. He kept on going through the papers, looking for his own record.

"Ma'am...Um." Hoseok frowned at the papers and looked at the lady a bit hesitant, "Everything else is Alright... but why is my name misspelled here? It's Jung Hoseok, not Jung... Hosuck" Hoseok said a bit embarrassed.

"I... have... been... working... here... for... the... past... 40... years... do... you... think... I'll... make... A... Mistake...?" The old lady asked, almost growling in her husky old voice.

Hoseok just gulped but then was interrupted by a chuckled from his brother.

You do make a hell lot of mistakes lady" Jimin said, going through the papers in his hands, "My name mentioned here is Park Jaemin, isn't of Park Jimin" He chuckled again, looking at the next name.

"Kang Jankson, Who even keeps their kid's name Jankson? Jimin laughed and Hoseok chuckled before going through the papers again, well, all the times his name was mentioned, it was misspelled, the same way.
"Park Chaeyuck" Jimin read the names, laughing at each of them.

"Lee Seojune"

"Kim Hornsick"

"Min Yoonhee"

Well, that one kinda sounded like Yoongi." Hoseok chucked still looking through the papers in his hands.

"It... It is Yoongi..." Jimin mumbled, shocked, but Hoseok heard him.

Hoseok looked at his brother, eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" Jimin looked at him with wide eyes.

"It is Yoongi, Hope" Jimin said, giving the paper to Hoseok, who got up, seeing Yoongi's old photo, around when he was 10 years old, stuck beside the name.

What gave him even a bigger shock was when he read the name of the parents who adopted him. It was indeed, the Min couple.

"Yoongi is not their real son?" Hoseok mumbled, frowning looking at the paper in his hands, not understanding what to do.


Hey bubs I couldn't update for some time now. Reason? Exams. But I'll be back as soon as I'll get over them, till then take care and bye! <3]

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