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"What do you mean he is not here??!!" Yongsun shouted, getting up and glaring at the man, sitting on the opposite side of the table, with a file in his hands.

Chohee got up as well, her heart beating anxiously, "I mean, there is no Min Yoonhee in this orphanage sir."

The man said with a bored look, sighing and keeping the file back in the book shelf.

"What the fuck do you mean by that??! My son was in this orphanage for the past 8 years now!! I have the money!!! Take it all!! I'll give you double if you want!! But I want my son!!" Yongsun shouted, gripping at the man's collar, while Chohee was just in shock with the new information.

The man harshly pushed Yongsun's hands off himself, glaring at the other. "Don't shout at me!! It will take a second for me to call for security and throw you people out of here!" The man shouted.

"What is happening here?" An old lady, around the age of 55 or so, entered the room, looking at the three of them.

"Madam... these people are creating-"

"Ma'am.. Please... I want my son.. he was here, in this orphanage for the past 8 years, and now when we have the money to finally take him back, this man is saying he was never here!" Chohee cried, clutching lady's hands.

"Your son?"

"Yes!! Min Yoonhee! Do you know him??!" Yongsun asked desperately.

"Min Yoonhee... um." the lady thought for a while, and then her eyes lit up, "Oh!! Min Yoonhee!! Yeah!! That boy who was adopted a few months ago" She said, remembering the cute bubbly boy.

"A-Adopted.. ?" Chohee mumbled, her eyes widening in fear.

"Who adopted him???" Yongsun asked, his own silent tears leaving his eyes. "Please tell us, we'll give them as much money they want, I just want my son back"

"I'm sorry Sir, but I cannot disclose their identity. It's confidential, and we never give information about the people who adopted a child from our orphanage. It's one of our rules."

"But Ma'am he's my son!! Why don't you understand it??!!l" Chohee shouted, sobbing.

"I understand Ma 'am, but you need to understand as well, We cannot-"

"Please Ma'am..." Yongsun fell on his knees in front of the old lady. "I beg you... I'll do anything... -just." he sobbed pathetically, and so did Chohee, who kneeled in front of the lady and sobbed as well.

The old lady and the man in the rom were shocked. The Min couple obviously looked quite rich and wealthy, but the way they were desperate to get that boy, it showed that they were indeed the real parents.
The old lady quickly made them stand up again,

"Look Mr. Min, I cannot give you information about that family but I can contact that family for you I'll tell them about you being Yoonhee's real parents. If they allow me to tell you more about them, then I shall do that with no delay"

The Min couple cried and nodded, at least something is better than nothing.


The couple was sitting on the couch, deep in thoughts, when Yoongi came back from school. He was in 3rd grade now, and had started going to a very good school.

Earlier, he didn't like his previous school at all, so this decision of his parents was liked by him.

You see, the Min couple made sure to give Yoongi whatever he asked for. They did spend time with him, having dinner together, talking about the day in school, giving him all he needed, or just simply asked for and they could afford. But Yoongi was a choosy kid, if he wanted a remote control car, he won't accept a simple car no matter what. They knew their son has anger issues and gets angry at the silliest things, but they don't scold him, may be it's the guilt, that their other son is not with them at the moment, so they try to give all their love and affection to Yoongi.

"Yoongi!" Chohee said, wiping a silent tear which had left her eyes. She smiled and hugged her son. Maids rushing to take his bag from the boy.

About an year ago, Yongsun's business skyrocketed. The shares he had bought, gave him the biggest profit he had ever had in his life. So, he invested in other partnerships and now their family was one of the wealthiest in Busan, He did save money though, like always, but now even if he has money, he has no idea where Yoonhee is,
"How was your day sweetie?" She asked sweetly.

"It was boring." Yoongi said with a tired expressing, but then he saw his dad and rushed towards him,

"Dad! Can I have an iPad?!" Yoongi asked with twinkling eyes.

"An iPad?" Yongsun asked chuckling at his cute son, and ruffling his hair.

"Yes!! It's this small laptop thingy with no keyboard!! Some of the kids in school were playing on it!!I want to have one too!!" Yoongi whined pouting, and shaking his father's arm.

Yongsun just chuckled more and looked at his wife, who was herself smiting fondly at their son Alright then! What my prince wants, my prince gets!"

Yongsun said, fist bumping with his son, who hugged him tightly, smiling so big. They could do anything for that smile.


"Shut up!!" The 9 year old boy shouted at the maid who just stood there looking down at her feet.

"What is happening here baby?" Chohee asked, walking towards them

"She broke my phone!! See!" Yoongi shouted angrily showing his mother his iPhone with a cracked screen now

"I-I am sorry y-young master. the girl stuttered, her eyes already teary, but she was trying her best not to break down

"It's okay Yoongi ah." Chohee said, caressing her son's shoulder, looking at the maid with pity "It's just the screen, and don't worry, if you want, I'll get you a new one-"

"No!! She'll get me a new one!!" Yoongi shouted, pointing his finger accusingly at the shaking maid,

"Yoongi.. she can't get you-"

"Because she is poor right??" Yoongi said with a disgusted scoff, "So she should have known that before touching my things with her filthy hands!"

Yoongi shouted again, throwing the phone at the maid, who flinched

"Yoongi ah!" Chohee said, raising her voice a bit.

"That's.. that's not the way how you treat someone" she said, frowning, disappointed at her son's behaviour, it's just getting worse day by day.

"That's the exact way these pests should be treated mom! I am damn sure she was planning to steal it!" He shouted again, glaring at the maid.

"N-No. No young master-"

"Shut up!! And leave!!" Yoongi shouted again and the maid left hurriedly, wiping her tears.
He just scoffed and left as well, leaving behind his mother, who looked at his retrieving back and took a deep breath before sighing.

"He'll get better when he grows up Chohee ah. It's just a phase. He's a kid, and that's just normal." she tried to reason with herself, caressing her forehead before leaving as well.


[Not a big deal but just letting y'all know 😊]

[Not a big deal but just letting y'all know 😊]

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