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Hoseok frowned, flinching in his sleep when he heard muffled voices from downstairs. He grunted and got up, frowning even more when he didn’t find Yoongi lying beside him.

Hoseok made his way downstairs and his eyes widened at the scene.

There was a young maid, kneeling down in front of Yoongi, like a dog, sobbing, while Yoongi was shouting at her, in front of all the other workers, just standing there with their heads hung down low ashamed.

“I SAID LICK IT YOU BITCH!!” Yoongi shouted again, making the poor maid visibly jump.

“I-I am sorry Y-Young-”

“Did I tell you fucking talk?! What did I tell you?!... WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU?!”

“L-Lick.. L-Lick it...” the girl whimpered and cried even more.

“EXACTLY! Now fucking go on!” Yoongi spat, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What’s... what’s going on?!" Hoseok asked loudly, gaining all of their attention, Yoongi just scoffed, “None of your business. Go back to the room.” Yoongi said with an eye roll, glaring back at the poor maid.

“No Yoongi” Hoseok said sternly while coming downstairs, making his way beside his husband, “It is my business. What the fuck is happening here?”

Yoongi sighed but nonetheless answered, “This bitch spilled my favourite coffee on the damn floor. Does she even know the value of this thing?!” Yoongi spat, almost killing the maid with his eyes “What thing? The coffee or the floor?” Jimin asked dumbly, and Yoongi glared at him.

Last night, Yoongi’s and Hoseok’s parents decided to go on a trip, all of a sudden, yes. So it’s just Yoonseok and Jimin in the house now, along with the workers of course.

“The coffee.” Yoongi said through gritted teeth.

“Jimin go back to your room.” Hoseok said to his brother, who just shrugged still in his pajamas and bed hair and yawned before leaving.

“And all of you, please go back to whatever you were doing before this.” Hoseok told the other workers.

“Please get up.” Hoseok said softly to the young maid on the floor.

But before the poor girl could get up, “Don’t you fucking dare. Lick it off the floor, and then you can Leave” Yoongi interrupted them, Hoseok sighed, “Yoongi this is too much. You are being unacceptable”

“SO?” Yoongi looked at Hoseok with a questioning glare, “I don’t fucking care how I am being. If this hoe cannot walk properly, at least she can lick the floor like the fucking slut she is-”

“Enough Min Yoongi!” Hoseok raised his voice. “She works for you, but that doesn’t give you the right to disrespect her!” He then turned towards the maid, and said sternly, “Please get up and leave! Now!” The girl quickly got up and rushed out of there.

“And who the fuck you are to go against my word!!??” Yoongi shouted and pushed Hoseok, who didn’t even bulge.

Hoseok took a deep breath, tried to calm down, “Yoongi please, What were you doing-”

“-Was my business!! My fucking business!! Why can’t you just stay out of it?!”

“because it’s wrong!! What you do is so fucking wrong!” Hoseok raised his voice again, his head was already hurting early in the morning.

Yoongi just glared at him and then ran to his room, all angry and furious. And soon Hoseok heard noises of things breaking in their room. He sighed and made his way upstairs.

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