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"He has no interesting history" Namjoon said on the video call.

"Not even a teeny tiny bit?" Jimin asked, while Hoseok just looked at Namjoon with his signature expressionless face.

"Not even a teeny tiny bit." Namjoon said.

"Even in his kindergarten days he was the rudest and most arrogant kid. He started cursing when he was in 3rd grade. He even bullied many in his school and even dropped out when he was in the 8th standard. After that, he just spend money like a mere piece of paper, without having a single care in the world. In short, he is a rich spoilt kid. Nothing more, Nothing less"

"What about his friends?" Hoseok asked, in a monotonous voice.

"He didn't have any. He didn't like making any friends because he believed his is the best and the most superior one, and nobody else has the standard to be called a friend of Min Yoongi" Jimin rolled his eyes at the information, while Hoseok just scoffed shaking his head. He was oddly finding his husband even more interesting every passing minute.

"He is so full of himself" Jimin said and then looked back at Namjoon, "but... doesn't have any love history? Like in his adolescent day or something? A story about a crush or anything?" Hoseok's ears became alert on their own. He didn't want to show it, but he was genuinely interested in knowing, who would have been able to tame 'the Beast in the Beauty' called Min Yoongi. He smirked at his own title he made for Yoongi.

"Nope." Namjoon said, and shrugged, "Do you seriously expect a person, who doesn't consider anyone worthy of his friendship, to have a love life? Like seriously? He doesn't even spare a glance at anyone I bet." Hoseok just hummed and thanked Namjoon before ending the call. Namjoon was Hoseok's friend, who is professionally a Detective. Hoseok wanted to know more about Yoongi and his life, so he had asked his friend to find some information through his sources, but it looks like, Yoongi is just a rich and arrogant 19 year old boy, who needs to be tamed.

"What are you gonna do now?" Jimin asked, bringing Hoseok back from his thoughts I don't know for now... but let's see" Hoseok said and they both made their way out of the room, going towards the dining room.


There, they saw the two couples were already seated, Mr. Jung and Mr. Min were serving their wives, who had been really tired the whole day. They were still in Mr. Min's mansion, and the maids were loving how cute the two couples were. The ladies had made the dinner themselves, deciding to get their mind off things, so the men decided to serve their beautiful better half. The best friends were laughing at some old jokes and Jimin and Hoseok were really glad to see them like that.

However Hoseok did notice Yoongi's absence, while Jimin just simply joined the rest, and helped serving the ladies first.

"Where is Yoongi?" Hoseok asked and they all paused.

"Young Master has his dinner in his bedroom, sir. " A maid said, bowing towards Hoseok, "Everyday? Does he never sit with his family?" Hoseok asked.

"No sir, He doesn't like it. He prefers being in his room most of the time." She said.

Hoseok hummed, looked at the upper floor, particularly at the closed door of Yoongi's room.

"That's his room right?" He said, still looking up at the closed door, the maid followed his eyes and nodded. "Yes Sir"

Hoseok simply nodded and made his way upstairs. Everyone's eyes followed him, some curiously, some scared of the consequences of disturbing their young master.

Hoseok reached the door and knocked, "Yoongi. It's time for dinner." he said, politely. They all waited, gulping, and then the door opened harshly and a very angry Yoongi glared at Hoseok, "Don't you fucking know I have my dinner in my room everyday?" He spat rudely he was in his pajamas, and bed hair, Hoseok froze for a second, Yoongi looked so fucking cute. Even when he was angry, he still looked so adorable that Hoseok had to clear his throat a bit to compose himself from wanting to squeeze those rosy cheeks of Yoongi. "Well, tonight is different, We are all gonna have dinner together. On the dining table. Like a Family" Hoseok said firmly, with a cute smile. He was still in his wedding suit, so the contrast with him being so formally dressed while Yoongi being so homey was utterly cute.

Yoongi scoffed. "In your dreams." Yoongi said with a snicker and was about to close the door on Hoseok's face but Hoseok held the door and opened it again.

"Don't force me... to force you... Yoongi..." Hoseok said and gave Yoongi another tight smile.

Yoongi looked into Hoseok's eyes, his tongue poking his cheek, while he looked at the taller with narrowed eyes. "You.. You can't force me" he said, but he doubted what he himself said.

"Try me" Hoseok said and shrugged a bit. Yoongi just gulped and snickered nervously before trying to shut the door again, but this time more powerfully, but Hoseok opened it yet again, and this time bent down and lifted Yoongi up in an instant, putting the shorter over his shoulder, like a potato sack.

Yoongi shrieked, and so did the people downstairs some maid's gasped with their hands covering their mouth, "What the fuck??!!! Put me down you animal!" Yoongi screamed and punched Hoseok's back and wiggled to get out of his grip, but Hoseok didn't even bulge. He just kept on walking, with a wiggling and shrieking Yoongi on his shoulder, making his way downstairs.

When they were in the middle of the huge and elegant staircase, Yoongi wiggled even more and Hoseok got annoyed so he spanked his butt.

Yoongi's eyes widened and he gasped, and so did the rest of the people. He stopped struggling at all for a few seconds, coming out of the shock and then started struggling even more.

They were luckily down now, so Hoseok put him on the ground, finally Yoongi quickly pushed Hoseok, his cheeks were burning because of how much he had been blushing because of that single spank, that too in front of all their maids and family members.

"D-Did you just... Did you just spank me?!" Yoongi asked in disbelief, his heart was pounding so hard, he thought he would die.

"I did" Hoseok said, "what are you gonna do about it?" That is when Jimin got up and started acting like the crazy tiktok user he was "I did~ Whacha' gonna do about it?" He made his way behind Hoseok and peeked from one side singing the same line, and then from his other side, doing the same.

"And I swear I am gonna spank you again, If you don't go and sit there..." Hoseok said and gestured towards the dining table, where everyone was looking at them, trying to suppress their smiles. "And this time, mind you it would be harder." Hoseok said like a warning, but he did have a small, almost unnoticeable smirk.

Yoongi knew he was redder than a tomato, not just because of the anger he was feeling towards this dumb King Kong, but also because of how bad he was blushing. But he knew, Hoseok is not lying, he would definitely spank him, harder so he just stomped and made his way toward the dining table, sitting there with an angry yet cute frown and crossed his arms over his chest, huffing like a kid. The maids rushed to serve him, to make him calm down to some extent, while they themselves had a hard time, hiding their smiles. "He is just a stubborn little brat after all" Jimin said, looking at how cute Yoongi looked, now focused just on his food.

"A beautiful. Stubborn little brat" Hoseok said, with a subconscious, small smile on his face, looking at the cute Yoonie with heart eyes.


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