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[Hope world <3]


Min Yongsun was sitting in his office, going through some files. His concentration was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. He picked it up, without looking who the caller was.

“Hello?” Yongsun said, looking back to the papers on his desk.

“Hello? Am I talking to Mr. Min Yongsun?” A lady said on the other side.


“Good morning Mr. Min I am speaking from St. Marcus Orphanage, Busan”
That single name was enough for Yongsun to leave the papers in a second and get up from his seat with wide eyes.


“C-Can I..C-Can I see him?” Chohee asked, trying to control her tears, She had already been crying all the way here, along with her husband, who gave her the news that they got a call from the orphanage, asking them to come and visit it as soon as possible.

“Yes you can. But before that I need you to know something.” The lady said, looking at both the crying parents.

“The reason why we didn’t contact you before was that, Yoonhee’s parents didn’t want you to know about him. They were very happy with him and considered him their own child. So, never agreed for us to disclose their identity to you, They loved Yoonhee to death.” She said.

“So. S-So how did they agree now?” Yongsun asked, wiping his tears.

“They didn’t Mr. Min. They didn’t agree. But... Unfortunately, they can no more claim their right over Yoonhee.” She said and the couple gave her a confused look, so she sighed and continued, “Yoonhee had gone to school when there was a robbery at his home. Both of his parents were brutally killed by the criminals. The police did catch them, after the neighbours reported a commotion. But... but the kid...” she continued, “Yoonhee was traumatized to see the dead bodies of his parents lying in the pool of blood, in their own house.”

Chohee’s gasped, covering her face, crying even more and Yongsun could do nothing but hug her, trying hard to control his tears. They can’t imagine what the poor soul has gone through.

“The police later found out that the couple had no relatives whatsoever, and they even found the adoption related documents of Yoonhee. So they sent him here again.” She finished and showed them the new empty adoption certificate of Yoonhee, with the 10 year old’s photo attached to the right corner, with his name written as well.

“I have all the documents ready for you to legally adopt him now. But I want from you is to take special care of that kid. Give him time to adjust. It has been 2 weeks since he came back from America, but he still hasn’t talked to anyone, not even said a word. He doesn’t smile, doesn’t play like normal kids of his age. He is just so lost, So, please take care of him.” She said, her own eyes going glossy.

She then rung a small bell on the table, and a teenage boy came in, “Call Min Yoonhee.” She said and the boy just nodded and ran off to call the said boy.

After about 5 minutes, the door to her office opened again and the Min couple turned around to look a small, sad 10 year old boy, coming inside the office and then looking at the lady straight ahead, without sparing a glance at them.

Chohee couldn’t control herself anymore and started sobbing clutching her husband’s shirt tightly. She was meeting her son after 10 years. Although he looked exactly like Yoongi, no difference at all, but his aura, his demeanour was totally different, Yoongi always had a frown on his face with dark eyes, while Yoonhee looked just so lost.

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