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“Hey” Jimin said smiling softly at Yoongi, who gave him a suspicious look.

“Hi?” Yoongi snickered, closing the book in his hand.

“didn’t you leave just... like half an hour ago?”

“I did... but I’m back now. Anyways...” Jimin said, and eyed the book Yoongi was reading, “You have same taste as Hope, even he likes this book-”

“This book is actually Hoseok’s.” Yoongi said and picked up the book again, “I was going through his stuff and found some books, but all of them are about love, like seriously, I didn’t expect this from a former commander in army.” He said chuckling.

“Hope was always fascinated by the idea of love, True Love to be exact.” Jimin said, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking in a distance. Yoongi didn’t know why, but when it was related to Hoseok, he found the topic rather interesting. So, biting his bottom lip a bit, he sat down, beside Jimin, listening carefully.

“Since we were kids, like... s-since the time I joined the family...” Jimin chuckled and glanced at Yoongi for a mere second before continuing. “He was the one who always believed in happy endings and fairy tales. Like how at the end of the story, everyone lived happily ever after. Dad and mom wanted him to be realistic, but he was always a happy kid, in his dream world, And I loved it. To be honest, We were always the best of brothers! The Best team, living and dreaming of mermaids, pirates, princes, and what not” Jimin said excitedly and laughed at the memory.

“Then later, Hope knew he had to do something with his life, and the next thing which fascinated him, was the national army. So, he worked hard and got selected as an upper rank officer and soon as the commander in army. But his craze for love stories never ended. He always loved reading love stories and watching movies related to that stuff. But mind you, he never, EVER, watched or read anything with a sad ending!” Jimin laughed and so did Yoongi, covering his mouth a bit.
Yoongi was liking this feeling, getting to know Hoseok more.

“Wanna know a secret?” Jimin said in hushed voice, as if scared that someone would hear him. Subconsciously, Yoongi nodded leaning his head towards Jimin a bit.

“Hoseok has seen Titanic in installments.” Jimin laughed out loud, but Yoongi just frowned in confusion.
“what I mean is...” Jimin elaborated a bit,

“Titanic is Hope’s favourite movie, but he has never watched the whole movie in one go. The reason being, he’s scared that he’ll end up crying for days if he doesn’t have his love beside him, while he watches it. It’s just so... so emotional for his fragile heart to take in.”

“What?! Hoseok?! Crying?!” Yoongi gasped, not believing the new information.

Jimin nodded, smiling mischievously, “Jung Hoseok is the strongest man I know, But at the same time, the most adorable and emotional baby you’ll ever see in your life.” Jimin laughed and this time even Yoongi laughed out loud.

“This is one of the reasons he hates sad endings. He ends up crying for days. So, he prefers avoiding them as much as possible” Jimin said and giggled.

“So emotional and sad endings are his weakness?” Yoongi chuckled,

“Yup! But don’t you dare tell him that I told you about it okay? Promise me!” Jimin said putting out his Pinky Finger.

Yoongi blinked and looked at his Pinky before looking up at Jimin.

“Come on promise me Yooniie!” Jimin smiled his big boxy smile, and Yoongi was taken aback by the nice name.

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