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Yoongi opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright room, when he noticed that this isn’t his room, in fact not even his home, he sat up quickly, with big puppy eyes.

“Good morning!” A happy voice from beside him caught his attention, Yoongi looked to his right and found Hoseok sitting on the bed, his back resting on the headboard, wearing black turtleneck and glasses, a book in his hands and a sweet smile on his face.

Yoongi just blinked at him and then looked around in the wooden room in wonder. Honestly, he was looking like a cute lost puppy.

“You like it?” Hoseok asked softly, closing the book and keeping it aside.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok, blinking like a curios kid.

“W-Where are we?” Yoongi asked in a timid voice. The same voice which made Hoseok’s heart stop.

“God who is he?' Hoseok thought, blushing because, this Yoongi is just too adorable to handle.

"Um.. we-" Yoongi again turned around and looked at the only window in the room, He got up and moved towards it, looking outside.
"Flowers?" He asked softly, in his angelic voice.

Hoseok got up as well, walked behind him, looking outside and then back at Yoongi, who had twinkling eyes, looking at the mesmerizing flower garden outside.

"You like it?" Hoseok asked, looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded with a small genuine smile, still looking out.

"Where are we though?" He asked softly again and Hoseok just wanted to hear him for the rest of his life.

"I bought this farm house 2 years ago. I had no reason to live here, coz it's really far away from the main city, also, I was busy in army. It's surrounded by flowers on all four sides, and after that it has a forest. So you can’t run away from here even if you try to" Hoseok chuckled playfully at the end, looking out.

"Why would I try to run?" Yoongi asked like a child, pouting confused at Hoseok.

Hoseok looked at him, a bit taken aback, not knowing what to answer, while Yoongi just blinked at him waiting for his reply.

“What the fuck?! Why the hell is he acting like this? Who is he??! Why is he not mad at me for bringing him here without his permission?!” Hoseok’s mind screamed at him.

“You..” Hoseok started, “You are not mad at me?”

“I should be?” Yoongi asked timidly, as if genuinely asking.

“No. I mean. You... um.. I don’t know... you.” Hoseok didn’t know what to say.

Yoongi just tilted his head and looked at him like lost puppy.

Hoseok genuinely was loving this Yoongi, whether it was a psychological disorder or whatever, but this Yoongi just looked so huggable, squishable, kissable damn.

“Shit can I kiss you?” Hoseok asked almost desperately.

Yoongi’s eyes widened and his cheeks and ears turned red, “Huh?!” He said, almost like a whine, blinking to Hoseok.

Hoseok shook his head taking a deep breath, God why did Yoongi look so innocent??? He has kissed him before but now, it feels as if, Yoongi is just so pure, so fragile. So angelic, damn and on top of that, Yoongi was wearing Hoseok’s lose T-shirt and big bulky trousers.
Hoseok just wanted to see him in his clothes so bad.

So once Yoongi became unconscious due to the medicine he had put in the food he gave him, he asked a maid to change his clothes, obviously he couldn’t risk seeing Yoongi naked, coz he knows he won’t be able to help his boner then.

“Sorry, forget it. I’ll get us something to eat.” Hoseok said and rushed out of the room, with his own blushing cheeks.


“Hyung!! He is possessed!!” Hoseok almost shouted on the video call.

Jin just sighed on the other side, but Namjoon gasped.

"Hope!! I have the contact number of the church-"

“Shut up Joonie!” Jin snapped at his boyfriend and then looked back towards Hoseok through the screen.

“He is not possessed Hope. You are just overreacting.”Jin said pinching the bridge of his nose.

“No hyung!! I am serious! At one instance he acts so mean and arrogant that I want to literally choke him with my bare hands!! But now he is so soft, so fragile, so angelic that I want to protect him from everyone in this fucked up world” Hoseok almost whined in the end.

“Which one do you think is the spirit? The fragile one, or the bitchy one?” Namjoon asked seriously.

“I...I don’t know?” Hoseok said, thinking deeply on ‘which one is the spirit’ topic.
“I think it’s the innocent one coz logically he has always been-"

“Oh come on Namjoon, stop it!” Jin interrupted his boyfriend, and then glared at Hoseok.

“To be honest, I think you are the one who is actually possessed. Like, just look at you, whining and pouting like a kid, can anybody believe that you were once a major in army?!” Jin scolded Hoseok, who just kept on pouting.

“Hyung! I am still the same!! It’s just that... Yoongi. Yoongi confuses me... and.. and this Yoongi in particular makes me so weak, If he is arrogant and mean, I know how to tackle that, but when he acts so gentle, soft, fragile... I become scared that I might break him...” Hoseok said sincerely and Jin hummed understanding.

“By the way, Hope.” Namjoon started,

“I looked for his past before 3rd grade, They used to live in the outskirts of Busan, in a small town, Yoongi used to go to a local school, set up for government for poor kids. Even there they said, he was very rude and sort always angry. He didn’t flaunt his wealth there obviously, because he wasn’t rich then, but he was still always in a bad mood, ready to fight anyone.”

Hoseok listened to Namjoon carefully and hummed, thinking deeply.

“I don’t know what is wrong with him, but... I just. I just feel it’s not what it looks like hyung... Yoongi is not what looks like...” he said and looked at the couple seriously.
Jin and Namjoon were quiet, not exactly knowing what to say.

“I feel like, there’s something deep, hidden from the eyes of the outsiders. Someone is definitely hiding something, if not lying.” Hoseok said, thinking about what the maid told him about Yoongi.


All the three heard Yoongi’s loud and angry voice, and then a loud thud, as if something was thrown harshly on the wooden wall of the house.

“I think the spirit possessing him left already” Namjoon said and got a glare from his boyfriend and a sigh from Hoseok.
“And here we go again...” Hoseok groaned and hanged up.


My school just reopened today! (Ftr: 20th September) and I just can't get time to publish. 😭 pray for me to stay alive. I'll try to upload in few days! Kk take care! Bye luv yy'all <3]

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