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Nobody spoke anything while the two brothers made their way back to the house. Hoseok had brought Yoongi's adoption papers along with them.

They reached the farm house and Jimin was in love with the location already.

They made their way inside the house, Yoongi was sitting on the couch, playing with a puzzle Hoseok had given him to pass time with. When they entered, Yoongi looked up at him and Hoseok gave him a small smile before walking up to him and pecking his forehead.

"How are you?" Hoseok asked, looking into Yoongi's eyes, observing him.

"Good I guess." Yoongi said with a small nod but then looked towards Jimin's direction with a frown, "Why is your brother here?"

"Just... we had gone for some work, I'll drop him at home later. Even we need to go back. Our parents are coming back tomorrow and... Um. It's mom's birthday in a few days, so... yeah." Hoseok said, sitting beside Yoongi carefully, exchanging glances between Jimin, who had some papers in his hands, Yoongi looked at him, and then back at the puzzle nodding, trying to complete the rest of it.

"Um Yoongi?" Hoseok asked carefully, stroking Yoongi's shoulder while side hugging him. Yoongi hummed, still busy with his puzzle.

"Do you... Do you remember an orphanage by any chance" Hoseok asked, looking at Jimin, who approached then with some pictures of the orphanage.

"Hmm? What orphanage?" Yoongi asked, looking at Hoseok confused.

Hoseok took the pictures from Jimin and displayed them on the table in front of them.

"Have you.. Have you seen this place before?" Yoongi looked down at the pictures carefully and picked one of them.

Yes. He said nodding, "It's the same orphanage you guys got Jimin from right? I saw some of these images on the internet," Yoongi said looking at Hoseok casually.

"No.." Hoseok started, exchanging a look with Jimin, "I mean, Yeah.. it's the same orphanage. But, have you.. have you ever been to this place before? Like, before me and you got married and you know..." Hoseok asked, observing Yoongi's face carefully.

Yoongi looked back at the images with a confused frown and then back at Hoseok, "No, Why?" He asked curiously. "Is there a problem?" He asked now looking at Jimin.

"No. No it's all good" Hoseok said, forcing a smile, still stroking his shoulder side by side.

"Me and Jimin, will go and pack our clothes alright? Then we'll leave" Hoseok said getting up.

"You mean your clothes?" Yoongi teased with a chuckle, shaking his head.

Hoseok smiled back at him and nodded, ruffling his hair, "Yeah, my clothes." He said and then he and Jimin made their way to the bedroom and closed the door behind them.

"Do you think they give like, kind of medicines to Yoongi for him to forget his past?" Jimin whispered, talking about the Min couple, trying not to be loud.

Hoseok frowned and sat down on the bed, with his head in his hands, sighing, "I don't know. It's only the Mins who can tell us the truth now. They are coming back tomorrow right?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded, even when Hoseok was still not looking at him.

Hoseok sighed, thinking deeply, "What we know for now is, that Yoongi's real parents were really poor, so they sold him to that orphanage when he was just about a month old, and then, 10 years later, the Min couple got him from that orphanage, and made him their son" processing all the information, Jimin nodded, sitting beside his brother.

"But the point, which is ticking me now, is... if Yoongi was adopted by this rich couple, when he was 10 years old..." Hoseok said, turning towards Jimin with a frown,

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