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The couple bowed at the guests, welcoming them. Yoongi didn't like crowd but he knew it's Hoseok's mom's birthday and for his sake they had decided to keep the party in their mansion, instead of outside. Yoongi was really thankfully for that.

"This is Mr. Bang Si-hyuk. He is a very good friend of our fathers." Hoseok introduced with a smile and Yoongi just smiled a little and bowed down respectfully.

He was trying his best to be in his best behaviours, he wanted to nice, to be kind, for Hoseok. He wanted to make the man, who he is love with, proud,

"This is-"

"Mr. Jung Hoseok" A voice said, gaining the attention of the pair. There stood an officer in his black police uniform, giving them a smile, which wasn't that warm,

"Officer Kim Minho" The officer said offering his hand to Hoseok for a handshake. The latter took it with a hesitant smile, not recognizing having invited the officer to their party.

"How may I help you officer?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi was standing beside him, his arm wrapped around his husband's.

But before the officer could open his mouth, someone else interrupted him,
“Minho?” Mr. Min asked frowning and walking towards the man.

“What- what are you doing here?” He asked, looking at his wife, who looked equally worried.

Minho just sighed looking at the couple, gritting his teeth when he saw Hinjae’s hand on her husband’s forearm.

“Well Nice to meet you too Mr. And Mr. Min.” He said through venom lacing his voice.

“Oh cut the crap. Why the hell are you here?” Min Yongsun asked, stepping forward with clenched fists, glaring at the man, Chohee’s hand was the only thing holding him back, I’m sorry for my indecent intrusion Mr. Min, But I just wanted to tell you, that I am working on a Case. A Case which was closed very cunningly five years ago.” He smirked and then looked at Yoongi,  “A case related to the Min family!” on hearing this, Hoseok immediately got alert.

His hand automatically going behind Yoongi, resting protectively on the small of his back, “Jimin ah!”

He called and as soon as his brother came towards him, frowning noticing the tension between the people here, Hoseok said, “Take Yoongi inside, I would join you guys in a few minutes”

“What? But Hoseo-”

“Please baby...” Hoseok said, interrupted Yoongi, taking his face gently in his palms and touching their foreheads, “Go inside for now. I promise I’ll be there in no time. Okay?” Hoseok said softly, caressing Yoongi’s cheeks with his thumbs.

Yoongi looked confused and hesitant but still sighed and nodded, leaving with Jimin.

Once Yoongi and Jimin had gone to Jimin’s room, Hoseok looked back at the officer and then at the guests around in the mansion.

I think we should go somewhere private for such matters officer. Please follow me” Hoseok said and made his way towards his own room, he could feel the officer, Mr. And Mrs. Min following him. Hoseok made eye contact with his own parents, who nodded at him, reassuring him that they’ll take care of the guests for now.
Once they were inside the room, Hoseok closed the door and faced the officer with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Now tell me officer? Which case are you talking about?” Hoseok asked with a blank expression. The murder of Min Yoonhee,” Officer Minho said, smirking at Yongsun, who just glared at him,

“Murder?” Hoseok said, frowning, “as far as I know, it was an accident”

“Accident my ass!!” Minho snickered, “It was a brutal Murder committed by Min Yongsun, Min Chohee and Min Yoongi”
“Shut the fuck up Minho!! Stop fucking lying!” Yongsun snarled, and if it was not for Chohee stopping him, he would have already punched the man in front of him.

“What if I am lying ?!” Minho shouted back, “I will create proofs and evidences to show that it was a murder and it was the three of you who committed it with a fool proof plan! The fact that Min Yoonhee’s name and identity was almost buried along with his dead body, is enough to prove that you guys fucking planned it! Nobody knew that the rich businessman Min Yongsun had not one but two sons! That too twins! It’ll be easier for me to put charges on you-”

“Why would you do that? Who are you?” Hoseok asked, frowning. He could clearly see the hatred with which Yongsun and Minho were glaring at each other.

Minho snickered, “No body. But once upon a time, I was your father in law’s sugar daddy-”

That was all it took for Yongsun to punch Minho right across his face. Hoseok quickly pulled his father in law back, while Minho touched his now bleeding lip.

Minho looked up at Yongsun and smirked, “Why baby boy? Is that difficult to accept your Sugar Daddy-”
“Shut the fuck up Minho!” Yongsun shouted,

“Why the fuck should I shut up?! Why the fuck should I listen to you when you left me for this bitch!” Minho shouted, pointing at Chohee, who was just looking down and crying.

“I tried Yongsun!! I fucking tried to move on!! But I couldn’t!! I could never love anyone else!” Minho shouted, angry tears leaving his eyes, “I could never b-be happy...” his voice cracked at the end. He then took a deep breath and wiped his tears harshly, “and if I can’t be happy, you can’t be happy either. If I cannot prove that it was your whole family who killed Yoonhee, then I’ll for sure prove that it was Yoongi who abused, raped and killed his brother”

Hoseok and Yongsun’s eyes widened. Chohee gasped, cupping her mouth, crying. Minho straightened his uniform and smirked at them,

“and then you’ll die everyday seeing your son rotting behind the bars, for the rest of his pathetic life.” In an instant Hoseok had pulled Minho’s collars and glaring at him, “You are not going to do anything like that.” He almost growled.

Minho just snickered, “Try me Hoseok. And trust me on this... I can and I will” He roughly removed Hoseok’s hands from his collars and moved out of the room, leaving the three people inside.
Hoseok grunted frustrated and kicked the side of the bed angrily.


“Could you please fucking tell me what exactly happened on the roof that day-”

“We don’t know anything!! We told you every fucking thing we knew!” Yongsun shouted, tears leaving his eyes.

Chohee just turned him around and hugged her hushand crying herself.
Hoseok looked at them with his own tired eyes and sighed before leaving them alone in the room.

Once he was out of the room, he made his way towards his parents room, he knew it would be empty. As soon as he stepped inside, he closed the door with a loud slam and grunted loudly, pulling his own hair.

“There is only Yoongi who knows exactly what the Fuck happened on the roof, but he doesn’t remember Anything!! What am I supposed to do?!! That Minho will blame him and I can’t- can’t- aah!” Hoseok grunted again, almost shouting because of how much frustrated he was.

He finally sat down on the bed with a loud thump and took a deep breath, He cannot ask Yoongi directly.

He clearly doesn’t remember anything and also, he doesn’t want to force the memories on him, as it can be harmful for him according to the doctors.

Finally, Hoseok’s eyes widened when a name struck him. That’s the only person who can help him at the moment because no matter what, he has to find the truth as soon as possible. He has no time. So, Hoseok took out his phone, from his back pocket and dialled the number of the only person who is his last hope.

The phone rang for a few rings, then the other line frankly picked up.

“Hello? Mr. Jeon Jungkook?”


Okay, so now the complete truth is gonna be revealed in the upcoming chapter or chapters.


Take care <3 ]

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