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Yoongi and Hoseok made eye contact. Yoongi giving him an expressionless face, while Hoseok nodded his head in encouragement. Yoongi sighed and walked towards Jimin.
Hoseok was standing on the stairs, while Yoongi and Jimin were on the ground floor, lobby to be exact. Jimin was looking at one of the showpieces, and was unaware of Yoongi’s presence, behind him, Yoongi walked towards him and, mumbled an almost inaudible.
Sorry and passed by him, from behind, in the speed of light.

Jimin snapped his head up, blinking, while Hoseok had the same face, yet more disbelief in his expressions by the time Jimin turned around , Yoongi had already gone.
Hoseok scoffed. Even he wouldn’t have realised that Yoongi said ‘sorry’, if he himself hadn’t seen his lips moving.
Jimin just shrugged, thinking that a bee just buzzed and passed by him.

“Is that the way he says sorry?” Hoseok asked himself.

“Come on Jimin! It’s time to leave!” Mrs. Jung’s voice echoed through the mansion, while she came out of one of the rooms, with some maids following her and Mr. Jung with the luggage.

“Mom” Hoseok said, stepping down from the stairs, “where are you guys going?”

“Going back home Hoba. It has already been so long since we have been staying here” Mrs. Jung said with a warm smile.

Soon, Mr. And Mrs. Min also came out, with some gifts for their friends, and all this commotion caused even Yoongi to join them in the lobby.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi, who had a bored expression on his face, going through his phone.

“But you can’t leave today, we are going out to celebrate” Hoseok said, still looking at Yoongi.

“Celebrate? Celebrate what?” Mrs. Min asked, tilting her head with a smile, carefully holding the beautiful glass statue of a dancing girl.

“Celebrate the first ever apology from Min Yoongi.” Hoseok said with a smirk and that is when Yoongi snapped his head towards him and they all heard luggage slipping from the workers’ hands , along with the glass statue from Mrs. Min, “Yo- wh- apolo- I-”Mrs. Min stuttered and so did Mr. Min, looking at their son, like he had grown two heads.

The maids and the servants all gasped audibly, while the Min couple still couldn’t digest it.

Yoongi just glared at Hoseok “right Yoongi ah? It’s the first time you apologized right?” Hoseok asked teasingly, moving closer to his husband.

“T-To whom?” Mr. Min asked. “Jimin. He apologized to Jimin for being rude to him earlier”

“Me? When did he apologize to me?” Jimin asked confused.

“Didn’t you feel something pass by you? Just a minute or two ago?” Hoseok asked, still not breaking the eye contact with Yoongi who was still intensely glaring at him.

Jimin blinked but then his eyes widened and he nodded.

“That was Yoongi, Right honey?” Hoseok ask him, extremely sweety.

Yoongi glared at him and looked elsewhere sighing, and they all knew indeed it was him, apologizing.

“So, this calls for a celebration, Now, everyone, get ready, we’ll leave in..” Hoseok said, looking at his watch, “15 minutes” when they still didn’t move, Hoseok raised his eyebrow and they all went to their respective family rooms.

“Honey, should we wear something of the same color? It’s the first time we are going out together isn’t it?” Hoseok asked making his way towards Yoongi.

“We? You and your family are going out. I am not going anywhere.” Yoongi said and made his way towards his room.

“Yoongi, Come on. It’s for you-”

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