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(A/N: Now the flashback starts and this might take upto few chapters)


"Are you out of your mind Yongsun??! He is my son!!" Min Chohee shouted at her husband, tears in her eyes, hugging her son tightly to her chest.

"And mine too!! But we have no other option Chohee ah!! We don't have any other fucking option!" Min Yongsun shouted, his own tears not stopping at what life has brought them to, what he is forced to do today, coz they have no choice.

"That doesn't mean I'll let you sell my son!! You can't feed us enough, that's your problem!! I always told you not to take loans from those fuckers!! All those people are looking for us now, while we are here, in this shitty underground tunnel, hiding since a week now!!! My sons never deserved this!! It's just been a week they came to this world Yongsun! Just a fucking week!! And you are already making us starve in this shithole!" Chohee shouted frustrated.

It's not like she didn't love him. They love each other more than anything else in this world, always have. They were like pillars in each other's life, throughout the tough times they had, Yongsun always wanted to start his own business, so he took loans, but everytime, he started a business, something went off and luck was never on their side. Yongsun had so many debts to pay still he was insistent on starting a business and nothing else, so he kept on hiding from the moneylenders. But when, a week ago, his wife gave birth to their identical twin sons, the loan lenders found their home somehow and completely destroyed it. As Yongsun couldn't take his family back to his home, he had no other option, but ask for help. But unfortunately, all the people in this small town, know him very well, and nobody agreed to help them. So, he had no other choice, but to bring his wife, who was extremely exhausted and new born infants to this underground huge tunnel, near the Han River since a week, they are hiding here, with Yongsun disguising and getting them something to eat by stealing, still its not enough for his family, he knows, especially after today, when he tried to steal from a convenience store, but almost got caught and arrested.

He knows, they have to do something, and after knowing about the St. Marcus Orphanage, Busan, he got a thought, no father could ever want to think of. But he knew, that is the best decision for his family. One of his sons, will get to have good life in the Orphanage, while the rest of their family could survive with the huge money you get there, for even a single child, and once he's able to be stable again, he'll buy his son back,

"Chohee ah..." Yongsun whispered, stepping forward and caressing his son's forehead with teary eyes, "Yoonhee Ah is my son too, But we don't have a choice here. If we don't do this, our whole family will die. You, me, Yoongi, Yoonhee, all of us. In this shitty place. Do you want that?" He tried to reason. This was a very hard decision for him as well, but he had to make a rational choice here.


"They'll starve to death Chohee ah... I cannot... c-cannot.." Yongsun finally broke down into ugly sobs.

Of course he is ashamed of himself. He never wanted his family to come to face this day ever. He wanted to give them all the happiness in the world, but life doesn't go as planned most of times, does it?

Chohee sobbed as well, clutching the sleeping Yoonhee even tighter. She knew her husband is right. They have to do this, to save all of them.

"W-We'll. W-We'll get him back right??" She cried, stroking her husband's hair with one hand, while the other still protectively holding her son.

Yongsun looked up at her and hugged them tightly crying yet nodded, promising himself to get his son back no matter what.


The couple stood in front of the orphanage, with Yoongi in Yongsun's arms, and Yoonhee in Chohee's. She wasn't letting him away from herself from even a second.

May be because she knew he is going to be taken away soon.

"Chohee ah." Yongsun said, his eyes red and puffy, dark circles underneath them. He slowly put Yoongi in Chohee's arms and took Yoonhee from her. Her hands were still hesitant to let one of her sons go, but she had no other choice, but to cry.

"We 'l come back for him, I promise," Yongsun said and with a heavy heart took little Yoonhee into the orphanage building.


The money they got, was enough for them to rent a small apartment here is Busan. The main Busan, was luckily far from their small town on the outskirts, and they knew it'll be better if they never go back there even after renting an apartment.

Yongsun was left with enough money to save and look for jobs for now. He even invested some money in some partnership deals.

Everyday though, the couple would come and stand outside orphanage, with teary eyes, waiting for the day they 'll have enough money, to get their son back soon, a year or two later, they lived in a fairly good house, and Yongsun had got a stable job as well. Yoongi was 2 years old now, though not a very bubbly kid, as his mother even smiling at him, could never truly be happy and play with him properly, and his father was always busy coming back home late from work. So, the environment in the house was not very lively, instead quite silent and gloomy for a 2 year old child.


"What do you mean they won't give you my son ??!!" Chohee shouted at her husband. It has been three whole years now Yongsun!! Three fucking years!"

"I know!!!! But it's not in my hands!! They want more money!! They don't give kids just like that!! I am trying but I can still not give them the amount they want!!" Yongsun shouted back, getting irritated by these almost daily fights.

"Then fucking do something!! Sell this house or car or something!! Take loans!! I want to have my son back!!" Chohee shouted even louder, throwing a plate angrily on the floor.

"Stop fucking shouting!!! I cannot sell the house or the car!! Do you want us to go bankrupt?! And Loan ??!! Weren't you the one who told me not to ever take loans again??l! How can the fuck can you be so Hypocrite??!"

"Hypocrite??!! I am being hypocrite??!! You are being Hypocrite Min Yongsun!! You promised me to get my son back, yet you are not doing any efforts to fulfil that!! She shouted, throwing a pillow harshly at her husband.

"Shut the fuck up bitch!!I want my son back too!! And I am trying!! It's not my fault if you are blind enough not to see it!!" Yongsun shouted back and threw the pillow back at her.

It's not like they don't love each other, it's just that, they both are frustrated by the fact that they can still not get their son back from the orphanage. They shout, fight, scream, every other evening, but once.

They go to their room at night, they make up some how, crying in each other's embrace.

So even now they just both kept on shouting and screaming, fighting like every other day, unaware of the presence of the 3 year old boy, observing them keenly like every other time, from behind the door of his bedroom.


[How are y'all? Did you get the ticket for BTS's online concert? Well as for me... I got tge link so It works fine as I'm thrice broke this month 😭 any ways Take care]

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