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Yoongi and Yoonhee are 13 now, and the things are quite different from when it was just Yoongi.

The people of the house have forgotten how Yoongi was an invisible boy once. What they all remember and know is that Yoongi has always been a brat, a spoilt brat. Rude, arrogant, cruel, evil Yoongi has become the name all the maids and workers hate now, And Yoonhee is the name they pity and synthesize.

But somethings have changed.
Somethings like, Yoonhee’s wicked games... especially from that day onwards.

The day when he hit Yoongi’s head hard with a bat, making him bleed badly The whole incident took place so suddenly Yoongi was just sitting quietly, like always, minding his own business, but Yoonhee had something in his crazy mind, so he hit him hard without a reason.

Chohee was furious at him, but he knew she was furious at ‘Yoongi’ actually. So he just went on acting. Even when Yongsun came, and warned him, he continued his act.

Once all this drama was over and Yoongi and Yoonhee were alone in the room, Yoonhee started his another act.

“I’m... I’m so... sorry Yoongi ah...” he said with glossy eyes, rushing to hug his bother, who had a bandage around his head now. It was already night.

Yoongi flinched in his hold, his eyes still wet and his head throbbed with the pain. “W-why. H-hyung. Why did you hit me..?”
“So that they love you more!” Yoonhee said with big eyes, “Didn’t you see how Eomma rushed to your side? Hugged you? See! That is what I wanted. Hyung is becoming the bad one here, so that, you get their love, their attention. Do you see how much hyung loves you? Hmm?” Yoonhee asked.

Yoongi just looked at him and gulped, not knowing what to say. But he knew his hyung loves him, he can never be wrong. He hit him, there had to be a reason behind him and now he sees it. So he just nodded like an innocent kid.


It was around mid night, but Chohee could still not sleep. She was thinking about her sons, not knowing what to do, just hoping nothing like that would happen in future.

The door to their bed room, cracked open slowly, and someone peeked in. The room was dim, so when Chohee saw the bandaged head, she smiled sadly and called her son in.

Once inside, he made his bed on the bed, beside her. Yongsun was sleeping, but not that peacefully either, she could tell by the frown on his sleeping face.

‘Yoonhee’ sat beside his mother, hugging her sideways.

“Is it still hurting?” Chohee whispered and Yoonhee just nodded slowly Chohee bent down a little, pecking his hair softly.



“Why d-does Yoongi h-hate me so much??”

“He doesn’t hate you honey... he’s just... he just has anger issues. But he’ll be fine when he grows up.”

“He s-says he gets what he wants...always... when I said... I... I d-don’t wanna play... he h-hit me...” he said sniffing.

“I’m so sorry honey...”

“I don’t w-wanna go to school w-with him... p-please...”

“We won’t force you bub... you can take your time. Whenever you are comfortable. But I’ll make sure when you go to school, he takes good care of you. It has been years since even he went to school regularly...” she said thinking.

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