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Hoseok stirred the pot with instant noodles, while thinking about what just happened now one thing he noticed is that, whenever he talked to Yoongi gently, politely, he is more likely to listen to him and understand what he is trying to say. Like just now, when Hoseok pulled back from the hug and cupped Yoongi’s face gently, saying he’ll go and make something for them to eat, Yoongi just smiled shyly and nodded, hugging the blanket cutely.

Hoseok smiled at the memory. So, this thing is for sure, if Hoseok wants to really know what the hell is going on with his husband, he needs to talk to him as gently as possible, Because Hoseok being gentle with him, is Yoongi’s weakness.

When the noodles were ready, Hoseok took the big bowl and made his way to the room. Once he stepped in, he gave Yoongi a big genuine smile.

Yoongi looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile back shyly, still sitting with the blanket wrapped all around him.

“You are seriously not coming out of that?” Hoseok asked sweetly, as if talking to a kid.
Yoongi shook his head cutely, and Hoseok was glad he found a way to finally make him at ease.

“How are you going to eat then?” Hoseok asked with a small smile, stirring the hot noodles.

Yoongi just blinked at him before opening his mouth big like a kid.

Hoseok chuckled at him, but nonetheless, started feeding him.

They were quiet for the rest of the meal, and once they were done, Yoongi finally spoke up,

“You... You really love me?” Yoongi asked timidly and Hoseok wanted to hide him right then and there.

“Mhm.” Hoseok hummed, wiping the excess soup from Yoongi’s lips. “Why? Why are you asking?”

Yoongi just shrugged, looking out of the window. The sun was already setting, “I don’t know, I never thought about...love?”

“You never had a crush in school?” Hoseok asked, half curious, half just to continue their sweet conversation.

Yoongi looked at him and didn’t say anything for a few minutes, as if thinking about something, “I didn’t go to school often. And even if I did, I don’t...I don’t remember anything from school” He said, with a blank expressionless face.

You don’t remember anything? Like, no teachers, students, school building, nothing?” Hoseok chuckled at the end, teasing the younger. But frowned when Yoongi actually shook his head.

“No... I don’t remember anything.” Yoongi said, himself in deep thoughts, as if trying to remember something, anything.

“You...You left school after 8th, starting being irregular to school after 5th, It’s been years. May be that’s why you don’t remember anything.” Hoseok said, trying to reason. But he himself knew something is wrong.

“Maybe!” Yoongi mumbled and again looked out.

Hoseok stared at him for a few minutes before shifting on the bed, with his back leaned on the headboard. He smiled at Yoongi when the younger looked at him, and gestured with his hand for Yoongi to come clover to him. Once Yoongi crawled towards him, he shifted so that now, Yoongi was sitting right beside him, resting his head on the elder’s shoulder, sighing with his eyes closed.

Hoseok then tried to take blanket from the younger, and keeping it on both of them instead, but then his hand touched Yoongi’s bare thigh and he snickered, looking away.
“Baby... you know you need to wear something right?” Hoseok tried gently.

“But I am comfortable this way” Yoongi mumbled and bugged Hoseok tighter.

“But I am not. Yoongi ah... you really need to wear something Honey,” Hoseok said, pecking Yoongi’s forehead again and again.

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