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"Okay thank you, You may leave" Jungkook dismissed the last maid as well, sighing. He looked at his notepad, and turned the pages, analysing the statements,

“Hey” Jungkook looked at the door and found Hoseok looking at him with a smile. Jungkook smiled back at him and gestured for him to come in.

“So? Any progress?” Hoseok asked sitting down.

"Well, yes..." Jungkook said and pushed his notepad towards Hoseok.

“You remember, you told me about everything Yoongi's parents told you, even before I met Yoongi or the Mins personally?" Jungkook asked and Hoseok just nodded, looking up at him from the notepad.

“Guess what. The Mins told me the exact same things, you told me about!" Jungkook said, narrowing his eyes, with something mischievous.

Hoseok frowned at him in confusion for a while, but then finally replied, "What... did you expect me to lie or something?"

"No no no!" Jungkook shook his head, "what I'm saying is, they told me, exactly what they told you" Hoseok looked at him, tilted his head, blinking for a few seconds, “Okay??” He said, still not getting it.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sighed, “Okay! Let me put it this way. When I talked to the maids, even they told me the exact same thing.” Jungkook said, looking at Hoseok with big excited eyes,

“Well, isn’t it good? Like they all are saying the same thing-”

“No! It’s bad! The Mins telling you and me about the same things, does make sense to some extent! But! The maids telling me about the exact incidents, the same number, the same order, doesn’t make sense. They all remember exactly 3 incidents from Yoongi’s past. His kindergarten outburst, the iPad incident and the IPhone incident! They all repeat it like a recorded tape, Playing it again and again, whenever Yoongi’s past is talked about!” Jungkook finally said, getting up, showing Hoseok the way they all described the exact number and type of incidents.

Hoseok’s eyes widened, and he got up himself, “Oh My God... so this means they are lying...”

“Well-” before Jungkook could complete, Hoseok phone rang up. He checked the screen and saw Jimin’s contact there.


“Hyung!! They took Yoongi!” Jimin shouted frantically on the other side.



“Hoseok calm down-”

“Calm down?! They took Yoongi to the police station! God how frightened he must be!! He hates going out!! And I’m sure they must have forced him!! I’m gonna kill that Kim Minho I swear!” Hoseok said through his gritted teeth, gripping tightly on the steering wheel, his eyes glaring at the road.

Jungkook just sighed beside him, holding his sear belt for his dear life, because Hoseok was being extremely Fast.

“He cannot touch Yoongi without any evidence Hoseok, I’m sure Yoongi will be fine-”

“I’m gonna throw those Mins and those maids behind those bars! Fucking liars-”

“Woah woah woah! They didn’t lie.” Jungkook said with big widened eyes
Hoseok almost crashed at a truck and then threw Jungkook a look as if he was an alien, “What... What are you drunk?! You just said they lied-”

“I never said they lied!” Jungkook defended, while Hoseok wanted to kill Jungkook at the moment. Still, for their own life, Hoseok decided to focus back on the road, his glare, even more intense now.

“I’m not in a mood to deal with your drunken ass right Now” Hoseok said through gritted teeth, “I have to get my husband back, after that we’ll talk about who’s lying and who’s not!”

They reached the police station and they both quickly rushed out if the car, running inside the station.

The moment Hoseok entered the station, he looked around and he finally left the breath he was holding.

There sat his Yoongi, looking all lost and scared, but Thankfully, physically completely fine.

He rushed towards Yoongi and took him in arms, who was startled at first, but then immediately hugged him back, even tighter.

“Are you okay?” Hoseok asked softly, after pulling back, examining Yoongi’s face carefully. Yoongi just bit his lip and nodded.

“Oh hello lover boy~” Minho said, from behind them, gaining their attention.
Hoseok gritted his teeth and turned around, glaring at the officer.

“I see you are here to save your love and your love’s Father, isn’t it?” Minho said, walking towards Yongsun sitting on the bench, with his hands handcuffed. Minho roughly gripped Yongsun’s face, “Well, I have all the reasons to keep them here, for as long as I want”

“No you don’t” Jungkook said, “There is no reason for you to arrest Yoongi and Mr. Min”

“Of course there is” Minho said with an amused smile.

“He is a murderer” He said pointing at Yoongi, “and he was defending the murderer” he pointed at Yongsun.

“You have no evidence to prove that Yoongi is a Murderer-”

“Well guess what?! I have! I actually do have a very strong evidence!” Minho said excitedly and moved towards his desk, turning his laptop screen towards Hoseok.

Their eyes widened, when they saw Yoongi and Hoseok on the screen, talking to Jungkook. It was the recording of their session, Minho looked at their shocked expressions with a big victorious smile and then pressed the next button, and the next video showed up, which was the session of Jungkook and the Min couple. The next one was of the maids.

“What where did you get these from?!” Jungkook shouted.

“It doesn’t matter. What matters is, that I have enough evidence to prove that it was Min Yoongi, who killed his brother, Min Yoonhee. All the people in the videos, have confirmed that Yoongi has extreme anger issues and regular outbreaks. They have even confirmed how he used to hit Yoonhee whenever he wanted. It is enough to prove that he was the one who killed his own brother by throwing him off the terrace 5 years ago.” Minho said smiling widely, crossing his arms over his chest, leaving back at his table comfortably.

“B-Brother?” Yoongi frowned, confused and looked up at Hoseok, “What brother?”

“Oh stop acting like an innocent sweetheart, Min Yoongi. You are far from that” Minho snapped.

“Shut up!” Hoseok growled. “Yoongi doesn’t remember anything from the past.”

“Well, who’s gonna believe a murderer? It won’t take me a second to prove Yoongi-”

“What if I prove that Yoongi is innocent?” Jungkook said, gaining everybody’s attention.

They all looked at him, and finally Minho said, “And how would you do that-”

“That’s my headache, but you cannot keep Yoongi here, until you prove him to be guilty in court. Before that, you have no right to arrest him” Jungkook said stepping ahead and glaring at Minho.

Minho gritted his teeth, and clutched his fists before uncuffing Yongsun’s wrist.

“Alright. Take them home and create as many evidences for Yoongi’s innocence, as you can, because ultimately, I’m gonna make sure that this bitch ends up in bar!”

“And once more you talk about my husband like that, I’ll make sure you end up 6 feet under the ground” Hoseok said, stepping ahead, challenging Minho, who could glare back, but still didn’t dare to say anything about Yoongi anymore.

Hoseok finally turned around, talking Yoongi’s hand, and moving out of the station, not sparing even a single glance behind.


[A/N: How's the story till now? I mean are you enjoying it? BTW Just dropped down to say "Take care of yourself ♥"]

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