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Yoongi woke up gasping. He quickly looked around and found Hoseok looking at him, sitting on the other side of the bed, but as soon as Yoongi woke up, Hoseok made his way towards him.

“Hey... you okay?” Hoseok asked concerned. Yoongi looked up at him, his eyes were terrified because of the nightmare, he just had. Yoongi wanted to say something, he really wanted to, but he didn't know what. He opened his mouth, trying to form words, but he just... couldn't. He just gulped, still panting heavily.

“It's okay...” Hoseok whispered and gently hugged him, "You don't have to say anything... It's okay..."

Once in Hoseok's arms, Yoongi clutched Hoseok's shirt tightly with his tiny fists and closed his eyes, that is when he saw him again, smirking at him, laughing at him, Yoonhee was still there and Yoongi hated it.

That is why he started breathing even more heavily and finally... when the image still didn't leave, he did what he wanted to do for so long... He screamed...

He screamed, like he had never screamed before. He was shaking, crying, sobbing, still in Hoseok's arms.
Pulling at Hoseok's shirt, scratching his own hair, but Hoseok kept on holding him, holding him on so Strongly.

Hoseok let him scream, let him pull his shirt, even try to push him away, throwing his hands, legs, everywhere. But Hoseok didn’t let him go... He held him, in his arms, secured. He didn’t let Yoongi hurt himself, no matter how much he tried, he held his wrists instead, and hugged him again.

Yoongi kept on wailing, sobbing, now in the crook of Hoseok’s neck, while Hoseok himself was crying, Kissing Yoongi’s head from time to time, whispering Sweet nothings.

Finally, Yoongi was just hiccupping, and silently crying.

He tried to pull back from Hoseok’s hold softly, and Hoseok let him, still keeping his hands on Yoongi’s waist though. But when Yoongi pulled back, he saw the fresh and painful nail scratches he left on Hoseok’s arms. He stopped and looked up at Hoseok, who was still looking at him with so much love, concern, worry, not even affected by how like a wild animal Yoongi had hurt him just a few minutes ago.

Yoongi bit his trembling lip, closed his eyes and sobbed. Hoseok slowly, gently held Yoongi’s face in his palms, but before he could say anything, Yoongi beat him to it.

“I-I let h-him win hyung...” Yoongi whispered in his tired and worn out voice, after all the screaming and crying, still not looking up at Hoseok.

Hoseok looked at him with a slight frown, confused, but then Yoongi looked at him and gave a sad chuckle, tears still leaving his eyes
“H-He created an image of M-Min Yoongi in everyone’s Eyes, and I... I -let him...” Yoongi whispered.

“He wanted to b-build am-monster in m-me... and I... I Let h-him...”

“He wanted me to be so despicable and abominable...and I let him...”

Yoongi chuckled dryly, looking at a distance, his tears still not stopping. Hoseok was getting anxious coz he had never seen Yoongi like this before. He looks so tired, so done, so lost.

“I let him hyung... I let him create me... he made me a Person-” Yoongi stopped, as if realizing something and looked straight into Hoseok’s eyes, “-a monster” Yoongi whispered, looking terrified of himself.

Yoongi then looked down at his hands, “I have been so cruel to people, hyung. I have hit them, slapped them, Hurt them.”

Yoongi then looked back up at Hoseok, and his eyes softened, his lips started trembling looking at the older, “I’ve h-hurt you h-hyung... I’ve hurt you s-so many t-times...”

Hoseok quickly shook his head and was about to speak but Yoongi spoke up again,

“H-He was right... Y-Yoonhee H-Hyung-” He choked on a sob, biting his lip,

“H-Hyung was right. I d-deserve to die...” Yoongi said and gave Hoseok the most heart breaking smile he had ever seen.

Yoongi slowly got up from the bed, and Hoseok followed him as well. It was already night time, and the moon light coming from the window was the only source of light in the room.

Yoongi slowly walked towards the window, looking at the beautiful full moon and chuckled dryly.

“The moon is so beautiful isn’t it?” He said, in his hoarse and worn out voice, smiling at the moon.

Hoseok frowned a bit, but still looked up at the moon,

“It’s so beautiful, that... I don’t deserve it” Yoongi said and looked at Hoseok,
Hoseok looked at him frowning

“You are so beautiful hyung... Not just from outside, but inside. Your heart is so beautiful and pure. I d-don’t deserve it...” Yoongi said, is voice shaking at the end. “When e-everyone else h-has already l-left. I... I-I don’t u-understand what y-you are s-still doing h-her-”

“Yoongi...” Hoseok stopped him, finally, cupping his face gently in his large hands, “I’m here because I want to... I’m here because I love you... I’m in love with you Yoongi...” Hoseok said so sincerely, that Yoongi couldn’t help but cry seeing the honesty in the older’s eyes.

“Do you know what that means Yoongi? That means that I’m gonna stay here with you, right by your side, forever. No matter you like it or not.” Hoseok said, himself sniffing by now, looking at how Yoongi was crying like a baby now.

“A-And I don’t w-wanna be the moon if you cannot have it!” He sniffed, hugging Yoongi now, himself tearing up like a child, “Fuck the moon! You are my Whole galaxy damn it!” Hoseok cried, while Yoongi cried burying his face in Hoseok’s chest.

“I-I... I d-don’t even know w-who I am h-hyung. F-for... for all th-these years I was l-living a life someone e-else created for me!!” Yoongi sobbed in his chest, “Who am I??!! I don’t know-”

“Then let’s find out love!” Hoseok said, pulling back, making Yoongi look at him, holding his face in his palms, “Let’s find out together. You, me, and nothing else. We have all the time in the world. Let’s find out Who you are! What you like! What your personality is! Everything!! Every damn thing!” Hoseok said desperately, still crying though.

“But for now, You just have to remember just this one fact...” Hoseok said sniffing, bringing their faces incredibly close,

“You are my Yoongi. And you’ll always remain my Yoongi, Nothing can change it. You wanna know yourself? Find yourself? I am here for you, we’ll do it together. But if you ever feel lost and confused, Just remember that you are my Yoongi, my love, my Everything. And I’m nothing, absolutely nothing without you...” Hoseok said looking into Yoongi’s eyes with so much love and adoration.

And the next thing he knew was, Yoongi’s lips on his own, kissing so deeply, and so so in love.


[A/N: Are you enjoying it? Do you like the story line? Don't forget to vote and comment🙇‍♀️ tysm for all the love and support!! Everything means a lot]

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