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“So you want me to find out the truth? Like what actually happened on the roof that day?” Jungkook asked, crossing his arms and looking at Hoseok with a serious face, leaning back on his office chair, relaxed.

Hoseok nodded and looked at his own hands crossed on Jungkook's office table. "Yeah, Because that is the only way we can actually know what happened and prove Yoongi's innocence"

“And what if your Yoongi isn't innocent?” Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow.

Hoseok looked at him and sighed, "Look Mr. Jeon, There is one thing I really don't like people doing. And that is judging my husband. Nobody knows him better than I do, and at this point, I'm sure, Yoongi did not kill his brother" Hoseok said, glaring at the psychiatrist sitting in front of him.

"Alright" Jungkook shrugged and sat up straight, "So Mr. Jung, you can bring Yoongi shi here whenever you feel comfortable." Jungkook said and got up, along with Hoseok. They shook hands and Hoseok thanked him with a slight nod before leaving.


As soon as Hoseok entered his room, he was engulfed into a tight hug.

“Wh-where were you?” Yoongi hiccupped and Hoseok looked down at him and hugged him back.

“I’m sorry, had some work.” Hoseok said softly and kissed Yoongi's head.
Yoongi sniffed and pulled back and Hoseok's heart dropped.

“why are your eyes so puffy baby? How long have you been crying?” Hoseok asked worried, gently taking Yoongi's puffy and red face in his palms.

"I was missing you." Yoongi whined and sniffed again, looking down.

Hoseok smiled warmly at him and hugged him again.

"I'm so sorry love."

Suddenly Hoseok remembered something and looked around. Everything in the room was in its right place, nothing broken.

He pulled back and looked at Yoongi's face again, "You didn't break anything?" Hoseok asked, although he already knew the answer.

Yoongi pouted and shook his head cutely, "You said I shouldn't, so I didn't" Yoongi was still not looking up at him.
“So what did you do?” Hoseok asked, making Yoongi look at him using his index finger.

“I waited for you... But then... I got emotional, because I was really missing you a lot. And I wanted to cry, so I cried, but I didn’t disturb anyone!” Yoongi said innocently, shaking his head.

Hoseok wanted to coo at his cute husband. He ended up kissing his forehead and hugged him tightly again,

“I’m so proud of you” Yoongi smiled and hugged him tighter, this is what he wanted to hear.

They were still hugging when Hoseok remembered that he has to talk to Yoongi about meeting Jungkook. So he slowly pulled back and took Yoongi to the bed, making the younger sit on the edge, while he himself kneeled down in front of him, taking Yoongi’s hands in his own.

“Yoongi ah...” Hoseok started and gulped, looking at Yoongi’s big curious eyes. You know how you told me that you don’t remember anything from your school? After that accident, right?” Hoseok asked slowly Yoongi just tilted his head and nodded.

“Yeah... so... Um... I have a friend. He’s a doctor. He’s gonna help you remember that stuff. So, we need to go to him tomorrow. Is that okay?” Hoseok asked, waiting for Yoongi’s reaction.

Yoongi looked at him, his mouth a bit open, but he just blinked, before he finally gulped and looked down at their interlinked hands, “Are you... are you taking me to a psychiatrist, hyung?” Yoongi asked in a small voice and Hoseok just wanted to protect him from the whole damn world.

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