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Hoseok came back to his room and found Yoongi sitting on the bed now, going through his phone.

Yoongi looked up at him and kept his phone aside. Hoseok suppressed his small smile and made his way towards the edge of the bed, to sit beside Yoongi. He held Yoongi’s hand gently and surprisingly, Yoongi didn’t pull back and just looked at him.

“How are you feeling?” Hoseok asked softly, caressing Yoongi’s cheek with his free hand.
“Better.” Yoongi said in his normal voice and Hoseok was missing his soft fragile voice already, but he is not gonna push him.

“I thought about it.” Yoongi said and Hoseok tilted his head a bit, not understanding. “About us. I don’t find this... weird anymore. I think I am okay with us being, together... husbands, you know.” Yoongi said with a shrug and Hoseok just chuckled at him.

“Wow. Really?” Hoseok asked.

“I mean yeah. I liked your kiss, and anyways, you are rich, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” Yoongi said.

Hoseok smiled but then frowned when he processed Yoongi’s words, “Wait- Rich? What has being rich to do with all this?” He said, chuckling a bit.

“Being rich is the most important thing Hoseok” Yoongi said, offended by his question, “being rich is everything. That’s the reason why now I am okay with our wedding” Yoongi chuckled shaking his head, “God for a moment there, I was so scared about all the weird feelings I was feeling while you kissed me. But now I know the reason behind it, I know you are rich and you kissing me wasn’t disgusting anymore”

“Disgusting? It was disgusting before?” Hoseok asked, snickering in disbelief now absolutely. You weren’t that wealthy before, now were you? As you have my father’s money, I guess you have class now” Yoongi said and gave him a small, almost smirky smile.

Hoseok scoffed, “and that’s the reason why you think you liked us kissing?”

Yoongi just shrugged and nodded. Hoseok nodded as well and got up, not saying a word anymore.

“Where are you going?” Yoongi asked.

“I have some work, I’ll be back” Hoseok said, making his way out of the room and Yoongi just shrugged and started using his phone again.


“Can you fucking believe it?! Money!! That’s all what matters to this boy!” Hoseok shouted frustrated while Jimin just sighed rubbing his eyes.

“I believe you Hoseok, Yoongi kinda looks like a money minded person to be honest” Jimin said, patting his brother’s shoulder sympathetically.

“By the way. Mom’s birthday is next week, What are we gifting her this time?” Jimin asked, trying to deviate his brother’s attention. Hoseok just sighed, and hummed, “I thought about it. And I have a brilliant plan” He said looking at Jimin, giving him a soft smile. Every year, they gift their parents on their birthdays, together.
“Hoseok!” Yoongi’s voice came from outside the room.

Hoseok and Jimin made their way outside to find, Yoongi standing in the hall, holding his phone in his hand.

“I forgot that all my money is in your account now there is a list of things I have ordered, but my card isn’t working so I need you to pay for them for me” Yoongi said, looking down at his phone, scrolling through the items in his cart.

Hoseok sighed again, his head was really hurting because of Yoongi now. He walked towards Yoongi and held his wrist before taking him to his room and locking it from inside.

Yoongi frowned at him but waited for Hoseok to speak up regarding his behaviour.

“I am not giving you a single penny Yoongi” He said sternly, looking straight into Yoongi’s eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Excuse me?! “ Yoongi said, and scoffed, before crossing his own arms over his chest, “and here I thought I could tolerate you, Just because you have my dad’s money in your damn account, don’t you dare think that you are superior to me, I am Min Yoongi And-”
“You have a serious superiority complex, you know that?” Hoseok said, “and I don’t care what you think of me, I am not giving you any money Yoongi. Your parents have spoilt you enough and I seriously hate your mentality regarding the rich and the poor and who gave you the fucking right to call yourself rich, when you didn’t earn a damn dollar by working yourself?! You are just wealthy, thanks to your father’s hard work! But from now on, if you want money, you need to work for it” Hoseok said firmly and saw Yoongi breathing heavily because of how angry he had become.

“How dare you.. HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU FUCKER?!” Yoongi shouted and Hoseok and threw a pillow at him, “This is my money and YOU ARE NO FUCKING ONE TO STOP ME FROM SPENDING IT!!” Hoseok sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I was so wrong!! SO FUCKING WRONG !! To think that we can actually act like husbands! NO! YOU DON’T DESERVE IT!! You were always a pest!! A FILTHY POOR BEGGER!! YOU CAN NEVER BEA PART OF MIN YOONGI’S LIFE-"

“What life are you even talking about?!” Hoseok shouted, “you are not born rich damn it! Stop acting Like a prince!”

"I was born a prince!! MIN YOONGI WAS BORN RICH-"

“Shut up!! I know you people weren’t this rich in the initial years of your life! So stop calling poor people names when even you were one of them once-”

“I WAS NEVER POOR!! WHY THE FUCK ARE MAKING SHIT UP?!” Yoongi shouted and grabbed Hoseok harshly by his collar, irritated. He was angry at Hoseok for making up lies.

“I am not making shit up!! And stop shouting for God’s sake!” Hoseok said, trying to take Yoongi’s hands off his shirt.

“OF COURSE YOU ARE!! I was never poor-”

“YOONGI!!” Hoseok shouted, and held Yoongi firmly by his shoulders, looking straight into Yoongi’s eyes. “being Poor is okay... Why can’t you just accept it?” Hoseok almost whispered, tired now.

“Why would I accept something which never happened?!” Yoongi spat back frowning hard, sounding genuinely confused now. He was still angry at Hoseok, but what Hoseok was saying now, was utter Bullshit.

Hoseok searched into Yoongi’s eyes for any lie, but he saw none, “You.. You weren’t poor before 3rd standard?” Hoseok asked, frowning now.

“Poor? Me?” Yoongi asked, seriously done with Hoseok’s serious expression now. “I was never poor Hoseok!” He said seriously, stepping back to make himself clear. The confusion on Hoseok’s face was making even him confused, from where did the elder hear this bullshit in the first place?

“B-But... didn’t you join your school, like.. in 3rd standard? The convent school you went to?” Hoseok asked, his head was really hurting now, Yoongi looked at Hoseok in confusion, “No? I used to go to that school since Kindergarten.” Yoongi said seriously and Hoseok knew he isn’t lying.

But how do you know about my school?” Yoongi asked, looking at Hoseok’s lost eyes.
Hoseok looked back at him and pulled back and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. He just shook his head and left the room, even when Yoongi continued calling him from behind.

“what the actual fuck is going on?!” Hoseok mumbled and went to his car.


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