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“Here you go.” Namjoon said, handing Hoseok Yoongi’s school admission papers.

Hoseok looked at them and sighed. They were indeed of the third standard.

"Then why the hell is he lying?!" Hoseok groaned, frustrated, and banged his head on the table. (Ouch that might hurt)

“May be he just doesn’t want to admit the fact that he was poor once” Namjoon shrugged.

"but RM, you know how good I am at detecting if someone lies. And trust me, he wasn’t" Hoseok said.

“Sometimes even the best ones can make mistakes Hope.” Namjoon said patting Hoseok’s back.

“So what should I do now?” Hoseok asked, genuinely having no clue at all.

“Make him poor” Namjoon said, with a smug look.

Hoseok looked at him confused, but then his eyebrows eased when he got the hint.

“Okay, I got it” Hoseok said nodding, buy then looked up again at Namjoon.

“Can you do me another favour though?” Hoseok asked and Namjoon just nodded.

“I want information regarding the Mins before they became rich, Like everything regarding them, before the beginning of Yoongi’s 3rd standard”

Hoseok made his way to their bedroom, with a cheeky grin on his face. He had two bowls of kimchi in his hands, one of his dear husband and one for himself.

Once he reached the room, he gave Yoongi a big bright sun like smile, while the latter just glared at him.

“Hey... I am sure you are hungry. Let’s have dinner together okay?” Hoseok said sweetly, but Yoongi just scoffed and looked back his phone.

“Yoongi... I know you are mad at, and I am genuinely sorry for shouting at you earlier. You were absolutely right baby! About the rich and poor people I mean... Like I totally agree that money is everything!! Please Forgive me please?? I can’t stand you being mad at me. Especially after our kiss.” Hoseok said with an apologetic smile.

Yoongi blushed at the mention of their kiss, but still maintained his cold expression before taking the bowl of Kimchi from him. He ignored the cute smile on his husband’s face and started eating his food.

Once they both were done, Yoongi yawned cutely, before keeping his now empty bowl aside and lying down on the bed. Hoseok just chuckled at him and stroked his hair, before whispering.

“I am sorry baby... but you left me with no other choice”

Yoongi just slept peacefully, not being able to hear anything, while his husband was about to give him the biggest shock of his life, the next day.


Very short chapter I know
yeah okay.
But what I have in mind regarding this story, is.
Weird? Idk... strange?
But don’t worry, everything is going to make sense soon.
Also, thank you so much for your love and support
I love you guys.

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