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"I AM NOT LEAVING WITH THAT ABUSIVE DRAGON!!" Yoongi shouted, throwing a flower vase in anger at the wall in front of him, "Yoongi ah...he is your husband-"
"Husband my ass!" Yoongi interrupted his mom, turning angrily towards her, "didn't you see how he abused me?! RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERY FUCKING BODY!!!"

"Yoongi ah... you were the one-"

"I don't wanna hear anything mom! I am not leaving with that illiterate, wild and disrespectful animal, no matter what!" Yoongi said and was about to walk past his mom, out of the room, when his father entered. "Oh thank God you are here!! You told me to marry him, I did. Now give my money and tell that bastard to fuck off." Yoongi said through gritted teeth, glaring at his father with his arms crossed over his chest.

Mr. Min chuckled, "What money are you talking about?"

"Don't fucking dare play this game with me Dad!" Yoongi said, in a threatening low voice, stepping closer to his father, "Unblock my card, and tell that fucker to leave"

"I have already unblocked your card. Bu-"

"Thanks!! Fucking Finally!" Yoongi said happily and took his car keys and wallet and was about to leave, but his father's voice stopped him.

"BUT that won't make any difference" Yoongi paused and turned around to look at his Father confused, who himself just smiled and shrugged.

Your account has no balance. And so does mine and your mother's." Mr. Min said tilting his head towards his wife. "Everything I owned, now belongs to Hoseok. All my money, my property, my cars, my companies, even this..." he looked around, "...even this house" He said and shrugged as if saying the most casual thing in the world.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes, which were now dark and glared at his father in disbelief.

"I gave my everything to him, willingly and OFFICIALLY." Mr. Min said nodding and smiled at his son, who was shaking with clenched fists because of how angry he was.
"Fuck..." Yoongi muttered, not ready to accept it. He glared at his father, and without thinking pushed him, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!!"

Mr. Min lost his balance because of how hard Yoongi had pushed him, but thanks to his wife who caught him before he could fall. He looked up at his son disappointed, while Mrs. Min was just utterly shocked. Yoongi just pushed his own Father.

"I am your only child!! The one and only heir of all the business, property and the damn money you own!!! I am the one who deserves-"

"Doesn't." Mr. Min said sternly, "You are the one who doesn't deserve a single penny of mine. I was so sure if I gave you my property, you would have thrown me and your mother out into the streets without a second thought, and now I know how right I was." He said, his eyes a bit teary, and so were Mrs. Min's.

Yoongi realised what he just did, he didn't mean to push his own father, but what his father did was such a big fucking stupid act. How could he give his everything to a stranger?!

Yoongi took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Look Dad, I didn't mean to push you" he said, trying his best not to do another stupid mistake, "But what you are saying is so shocking and unacceptable!! How could you give everything to a stranger?!!! Who the fuck is He-"

"He is your husband!" Mr. Min said. "And now my second son. Well.. I think my only son, because how you behave is far from-"
"Oh for God's sake cut this fucking crap!" Yoongi said, pulling his hair frustrated while angry tears left his eyes, He couldn't believe this. He was living the life of a king, literally, and now he will have to ask for that fucker for even a single coin, How could his life come to This?! In just a few hours?? The tension in the room was interrupted when someone opened the door of the room roughly. Hoseok entered the room with a visible frown on his otherwise expressionless face. He had a file in his hands, which he was holding in a crushing grip.

He was about to say something but then he noticed the hurt expressions on Mr. And Mrs. Min's face and then Yoongi, who had tears as well, but was glaring at Hoseok as if about to kill him.

Jimin entered the room soon after, followed by their parents. All the three of them had shocked faces and looked straight at Mr. Min "What does-" Jimin was about to ask, taking the papers from Hoseok's grip, but Hoseok's hand on his chest stopped him. He looked at Hoseok, who had his eyes fixed on Mr. And Mrs. Min, who were smiling at him and the others, but the tears in their eyes showed. There had been something bad going on in the room, Hoseok slowly stepped towards the couple and made them sit on the bed in the room. He then kneeled down in front of them, taking each of their hands, caressing them gently, "What Happened?" He asked softly.
Mr. And Mrs. Jung made their way towards their friends, but before the Min couple could say anything, Yoongi interrupted, walking furiously towards Hoseok, "What happened is, you fucking tricked my father and made him name his everything after you!! You fucking used the innocence & kindness of my parents-"

"You are right. You are absolutely right" Jimin said, now understanding what must happened between the family before they came into the room. He glared at Yoongi, stepping towards him, "Your parents are extremely innocent and kind. But I don't know how the fuck they ended up with a shitty son like you!" Yoongi gritted his teeth and made his way towards Jimin, ready to slap him, "Mind your Fucking language-" but before he could do so, his hand was held in mid air, and he was pushed back by none other than Jung Hoseok "Mind your fucking self Min Yoongi." Hoseok said through gritted teeth. "I won't tolerate your nuisance one bit. You better stay in your best behaviour, when talking to my family."

"Well, I was talking to my fucking family in peace, until you and your family decided to interrupt us-"

"I said, stay in your best behaviour, when talking to my family. Who the fuck said, they are not my Family" Hoseok growled, gesturing towards Mr. And Mrs. Min with his hand, "They are my Family since I was a kid. You have been ignorant it's your problem, not mine. From now on, get this straight into your dumb head, disrespect any one of the people present in this room at the moment, and you'll regret your whole Fucking existence." Hoseok said in a low yet threatening tone and Yoongi would be lying if he said it didn't make him shiver. He just gritted his teeth, gave a last disgusting look to his parents before storming out of the room, once he was out, they all heard a sob, and turned towards Mr. Min, Hoseok quickly made his way toward him, sitting at the foot of the bed and taking his hands in his own, "I never thought I am raising him to be like this. He.. H-He..." he choked on a sob again and Mr. Jung hugged his friend, while Mrs. Jung hugged Mrs. Min, who was crying herself, seeing her husband so tired and helpless.

"I am sorry for his behaviour, but Uncle-"
"Dad." Mr. Min interrupted Hoseok, giving him a small yet warm smile. Hoseok tried to return the smile, but he was so used to be expressionless because of his profession. He was not sure if he could smile so warmly like him, though he was trying.

"Dad..." Hoseok said, with a tight smile and a small nod. "Dad... what do you mean by this?"
"Why would you name your everything-"
"Because I trust you Hoseok ah..." Mr. Min said, "More than my own son. He is just behind my money, he doesn't know the value of it. It's my fault, for giving him everything he asked for, and not making him realise that money is not something you waste, like he does. I was worried, how Yoongi is going to take care of this... Empire I have built, but now..." he smiled and continued, "I have you, I trust you, for taking care of my empire, and also.. my son... I don't care about the money, I really don't, but I want you to make him realise the value of money, and also make him a better person, And I know... only You can do this." He said and patted Hoseok's hand gently.

Hoseok just looked at him and gave him a small, assuring smile, while internally he had no idea how to deal with that spoilt, ungrateful, wild and crazy husband of his.


TYSM for 42 views I never thought that this book would even get any views. I'm sobbing thank you so damn much 💗
Take care and don't forget to show some love with your feedbacks <33

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