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“He’s fine. Don’t worry.” Jin said, getting up from the bed.

“Thanks hyung.” Hoseok said, and then looked at the peaceful face of his husband, who was still lying on the bed, unconscious.

“It’s okay.” Jin said with a smile and moved to the door.

“But.. did you get to know about anything weird from his past?” Jin asked, wording his boyfriend’s question.

“No hyung.” Hoseok sighed. “Like Namjoon hyung said, he’s always been rude and like this. But...” Hoseok paused.

“But what?”

“There is definitely something weird about his school life. Like, he stopped going regularly to school from 5th onwards. And left school all together after 8th. I even got to know, that he never goes out. Like NEVER. Isn’t it weird ?” Hoseok asked sitting down on a sofa, followed by Jin.

“Well, I am just a doctor. But even I have this gut feeling, that something is weird in his case. And you know my gut feeling is never wrong.” Jin said with a proud smile.

Hoseok just snickered and shook his head at his WWH Hyung.

“And also, you said he became irregular to school after 5th right?” Jin asked and Hoseok nodded, “Have you tried asking his parents or the maids about it. Like maybe something happened during those years? Namjoon has just looked into his school profile, I think you should look into his home life as well.” Jin said and Hoseok just sighed before nodding.

“Myunjin shi! Can I have a word with you please?” Hoseok asked and the old lady just looked at him with big curious eyes before nodding and following him inside the room.
Once they reached inside an empty room, Hoseok turned towards the maid.

“Look Myunjin shi. I want you to be completely honest with me.” He said and the maid just nodded.

“Has Yoongi always been this rude?” Hoseok asked and the maid just nodded looking down.

“Are you lying Myunjin shi? Did something happen in the past, which made him this rude?” He asked again and the maid looked up, straight into his eyes.

“He has always been this rude Sir. Nothing caused him to be like this. He has always had loving parents, us as caretakers, but he has always taken everything for granted and always been arrogant. It’s his nature and we are kind of used to it now.” She said, not even stuttering even once.

Hoseok knew by looking into her eyes, that she is indeed being honest.

“How long have you been in this house?”
“Since the Mins started living here. Young Master was in 3rd standard back then. Mrs. Min told us that before that, they were poor, but soon, their husband’s business had a big profit and they became rich. She is a very kind lady from the very beginning and so is Mr. Min. But... Young Master was always so rude and angry and arrogant with all of us. Initially many of the maids even left.” Myunjin said honestly.

“So why didn’t you?” Hoseok asked instead.
“I needed money back then.”

“And now? What’s the reason that even now you are tolerating all his nonsense?” Hoseok asked.

Myunjin looked at Hoseok’s face and gave him a soft sad smile, “Because whenever I feel like quitting my job, his face comes in front of my eyes, and my heart just melts.” She said and Hoseok could see the love and care in the lady’s old eyes.

“But if he has always been so rude and arrogant to you, then why would you even care for him?” Hoseok asked, genuinely confused.

“As I said sir, whenever I feel like leaving, or quitting my job, my heart shrinks, thinking that I won’t be able to see him ever again.” She said, a lonely tear left her eyes.

“But... isn’t he the one who’s hurting you the most?” Hoseok mumbled.

“He is sir, and I really want to leave. But I can’t. I just... can’t.” She said and gave him another apologetic smile and left.

Leaving an even more confused Hoseok behind.


Short but important chapter
I'm genuinely sorry that I've not updated in a while all thanks to my online classes but I'll try to update on time.
THANKS happy reading 💗

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