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Hoseok kept on driving, with his one hand on the steering wheel, while the other was holding Yoongi’s hand throughout the ride. Yoongi had been looking out with big curious eyes, like a child who has been brought out of the house for the very first time.

“Why don’t you come out often?” Hoseok asked softly, still looking at the road, but giving Yoongi soft glances from time to time.

Yoongi turned towards his husband and then looked back at the people and shops around them, “I feel anxious and lost, whenever I’m out. It’s a strange feeling, it’s as if, my mind goes numb, not knowing what to do.” Yoongi says, looking out and gulping, remembering how everytime he went out, or even thought of going out. He felt a strange scary feeling inside him, as if he’ll get lost.

“Are you feeling it right now?” Hoseok asked softly, caressing Yoongi’s hand with his thumb, looking at him with worried eyes, and then looking back at the road.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok with so much love in his eyes and smiled warmly before shaking his head in denial and saying, “I’m with you.” As if that was the answer to Hoseok’s question.

Hoseok looked at him for a second and then couldn’t help but smile and look back at the road. He brought Yoongi’s hand to his lips and gave it a firm peck, before placing it on his thigh again.


“So, he’s a friend of your friend?” Yoongi asked timidly, while they made their way towards Jungkook’s office.
Yoongi looked so small in comparison to Hoseok right now. And the way he was holding onto Hoseok’s arm so tight, almost hiding behind him, and trying his best to ignore the glances people were throwing at them, it wasn’t helping at all.

“Well, Kind of? He is a friend of my friend” Hoseok said, making them step into the elevator before clicking the buttons.

Yoongi just nodded still looking down, His one hand still grabbing on Hoseok, while the other was hugging his own diary dearly to his chest. Hoseok noticed how nervous Yoongi was, so he just sighed and turned towards his cute husband.

“Yoongi ah...” he said, taking Yoongi’s face gently in his palms, “It’ll be okay. Don’t be nervous. He is just a doctor and he’s gonna help you remember your past, And you don’t have to force yourself to remember anything. Just tell him what-”

“Will you be there?” Yoongi interrupted him, looking up at him with big puppy eyes

“w-what?” Hoseok asked, lost in Yoongi’s beautiful eyes.

“Will you be there when he talks to me?” Yoongi asked, eyes having the fear of facing a stranger all alone, without Hoseok.

Before Hoseok could answer, the door to the elevator opened and there stood Jungkook, who raised his eyebrows on looking at the couple.

“Oh! I was about to come down to receive you Mr. Jung. Well, it’s good you are already here. Please follow me”
With that, Jungkook started walking back towards his office.

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok, gripping his arm even tighter, while Hoseok just smiled assuringly at his husband, giving him a peck on his cheek, before making their way, following Jungkook.

Once inside the office, Jungkook sat on his chai, facing the couple. “Please have a seat Mr. Jung” Jungkook said, with a welcoming gummy smile, gesturing towards Yoongi.

Yoongi looked up at Hoseok and sat down hesitantly on the chair in front of Jungkook’s table, still holding Hoseok’s hand tightly who was still standing.
“Hoseok shi.” Jungkook said, looking up at Hoseok,

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