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Yoongi was waiting in his room, while the whole mansion was decorated for the wedding, which was to take place in a few minutes, He was already done with his attire, hair and make up, and he was currently going through social media feeds.

Suddenly, the door opened slowly and Yoongi looked up in the mirror in front of him, to see who entered the room, He saw a handsome man, his hair long enough to almost reach his shoulders, in black groom suit, looking hot as Hell. He looked expressionless, but his eyes looked at Yoongi as if trying to remember him, Remember every part of him.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes a bit and turned around, getting up, Hoseok smiled a little at the Angelic Evil beauty in front of him. Yoongi looked like an angel, but Hoseok could clearly see the fierce look in his eyes, the devil inside them, "Hi Yoongi. I am Hoseok. I know this is quite weird to introduce myself to my husband, just a few minutes before the marriage-"

"Look" Yoongi interrupted Hoseok, who was trying his best to act polite towards the younger, Yoongi stepped forward, glaring straight into Hoseok's eyes. "I don't care about who the fuck you are. I don't care about what the fuck you do. I don't care about any fucking thing except my money. The only reason I am marrying you is because my father won't give me my money until I become your husband. So don't imagine scenarios with me and you as a happy married couple shit or anything. This is pure business, You get the honours to get a tag of being the husband of The Great Min Yoongi, while I get my money back. Simple"

Yoongi finished and Hoseok was quiet with a small, almost unnoticeable frown, So Yoongi agreed to marry him just to get his father's money back? Wow.

Hoseok didn't say anything and just looked at Yoongi's face with an unreadable expression, Yoongi frowned at him because of not getting any reaction, He expected at least shock or hurt, but there was nothing. So, Yoongi just scoffed at the handsome man and walked past him, almost leaving the room, "And yeah." Yoongi said, holding the door knob, without turning around to face Hoseok, Don't you dare think of touching me. I don't believe in any of these dumb rituals, So, if you try to kiss me on the alter, I'll spit on your face, right in front of all the guests. And mind you, I am a man of my words, dear future husband~." Yoongi smirked and left the room.


"I do." Hoseok said, finally making Yoongi his official husband, All the guests applauded and their parents were smiling happily at their sons, Yoongi just rolled his eyes, and kept on chewing the gum in his mouth, trying his best to not scoff at these irritating guests. He had already said, his share of 'I do', with a bored expression, But Hoseok tried to ignore him, Hoseok had been waiting at the end of the aisle for Yoongi, with the priest beside him. When Yoongi came, with a hand around the arm of his father, looking bored than ever, as of dying to end this all already, Hoseok looked at the beautiful boy, who is gonna be his other half for the rest of his life. No matter how arrogant and rude Yoongi is, he would be lying if he says, his beauty doesn't make his heart skip a beat every time. He is just shocked that how could make someone be so Beautiful outside and so Evil inside.

No words were exchanged and Yoongi was made to stand in front of Hoseok, who looked at his face with a blank expression, Yoongi's eyes, nose, lips, everything is just so beautiful, that you can't stop yourself from staring at him, Yoongi had noticed Hoseok staring at him, while the priest was busy, and looked up at the taller, expecting him to avert his gaze, but Hoseok just kept on staring at him, like a shameless Brat. This made Yoongi to frown a bit and glare at him, Hoseok still didn't avert his eyes and smirked a bit, just a little. Finally, the Priest asked Yoongi for his consent and thus he was the one to avert his eyes first, saying 'I do' scoffing and crossing his arms, He looked at the people smiling at him like he won a battle or something and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Very well, Now you may kiss the groom" The Priest told Hoseok.

This made Yoongi glare up at Hoseok with a challenging look. Hoseok had already decided, way before Yoongi threatening him, that he won't kiss or touch Yoongi without his consent. But, this ritual is must. So, he bent a little, about to peck Yoongi gently on his cheek, But before he could do that, Yoongi spat on his face. Loud and shocked gasped were heard. Everyone beyond shocked to see Hoseok, with spit on his face, and now closed eyes.

Yoongi just smirked at him, still chewing his gum with a proud expression now "Told you"

Suddenly Hoseok opened his eyes, dark and scary, his jaw and fists clenching. In a swift move, he pulled Yoongi harshly towards himself, earning a surprised yelp from the younger. He then took the handkerchief, which was neatly placed in a triangular shape inside Yoongi's chest pocket and wiped his own face. He then glared again at Yoongi, who didn't wanna admit how scared he was Hoseok harshly gripped Yoongi's jaw with his hand, opening his mouth and then with his other hand, took out the gum, putting it inside the handkerchief and throwing it. All this while, looking at Yoongi's eyes with his own dark and angry ones. Yoongi was struggling but Hoseok's hold was extremely tight.

"Stop. Moving." Hoseok spat through gritted teeth and held Yoongi's waist firmly with his free hand. Yoongi's jaw had started aching because of the harsh grip, his eyes becoming teary because of how he was being manhandled. He was angry, furious, How dare someone treat him like this, that too in front of thousands of people. Suddenly, Hoseok harshly smashed his lips on Yoongi's ones. Yoongi's eyes widened.

He tried to push Hoseok away but Hoseok wasn't moving an inch, He punched on his chest, tried to kick him, but Hoseok's grip on his waist became even firmer and with his other hand he pulled Yoongi's face even more toward himself, holding the younger with his nape roughly.

Yoongi bit Hoseok's lip, drawing blood, but Jung Hoseok bit him back even harder, making Yoongi almost scream because of how much it hurt.

Finally after roughly kissing Yoongi for about 3 Minutes straight, Hoseok pulled back, both of them panting heavily and glaring at each other.

"Don't you fucking think I am gonna tolerate your arrogant ass. You are Jung now, and you need to behave like one. Misbehave once, and mind you, there will be consequences your Prince's ass never wants to face" Hoseok spat through gritted teeth, in a low but scary whisper so that only Yoongi could hear it. He then left without sparing a single glance to anyone of their guests, leaving a 19 year old Boy behind, with bleeding, swollen and abused lips, disoriented hair and angry tears streaming down his cheeks like a river.


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