Dissolved Despond

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Escanor: "I would really rather we get back before noon, so how about we speed things up?"

(Y/N): "I mean we're more than half way there already, we should be able to get there just before noon if we keep at this same pace."

He just stares at me.

(Y/N): "But there's no harm in going faster so let's go!"

Escanor jumps and already is hard to spot with how far away he is.

Now it's a competition. And one I have a chance in, seeing as how it's still fairly early.

I Plant 4 tendrils into the ground, tighten them, and move as far back as I can. I hold Balmung to my back with 2 small tendril loops, jump, and pull myself forwards as hard as I can.

While flying in the air I spot the camp thingy way in the distance, but hey, I can see it.

I land about 20 feet in front of him.

(Y/N): "Ha, I win!"

Escanor: "Win what, exactly?"

(Y/N): "Well I jumped farther than you."

Escanor: "You just got back one of the most powerful weapons ever created, and you're trying to win nonexistent competitions?"

(Y/N): "I- well . . . It's kinda boring just going back?"

Escanor: "It didn't seem like you were bored when you were going to the cave."

(Y/N): "Ahh whatever let's keep going."

Escanor jumps right away, and . . . . . Lands. I think. All I saw was a small puff of smoke. Really far away.

I Plant my 4 tendrils, go back, and jump. Not even close.

Ok so jumping is not gonna work. I slip into full tendril mode to move as fast as I can, carrying my clothes and Balmung with me.

I zip over and around countless rocks until I zoom straight past Escanor, and think that there's no way he can pass me now. But I should've known. He's Escanor. He lands right in front of me and then jumps off again.

Suddenly I feel a strange presence and stop dead in my tracks, reforming inside of my clothes.

Melascula. No, no not just her. But who else?

I turn around to face her and see Esta . . . Estaross? Estaroa? Something like that.

Wait. He- He's the . . .

(Y/N): "You!"

He killed Meliodas.

I go to grab Balmung from my back, but right as I'm about to grab it I get mashed into the ground. Of coarse.

(Y/N): "Do you ever get tired . . . OF THESE SAME TRICKS?!"

I jump up as fast as I can, spinning around her, shoot a tendril around her neck, do a front flip for momentum and slam her into the ground.

I double my fist size and prepare to punch her in the back of the head as hard as I can, but I get a sword launched through my stomach, causing me to stumble back.

I pull it out and look over at Estarossa, my anger rising.

(Y/N): "Full Wolf!"

Except nothing happens. I'm still recovering.

Plan B. Balmung.

Melascula tries to grab me as Estarossa throws a sword at me, inching closer.

But unfortunately for them, I spin around, grab Melascula's arms and pin her while the sword plunges through her stomach.

Seven Deadly Sins X Reader, Wolf Sin Of Despond Where stories live. Discover now