Jericho's sadness

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(Y/N): "Hello there. I um, well hi!"

I should've planned this out. Now I'm gonna look like I'm messing around.

Jericho: "Why now?"

(Y/N): "What?"

Jericho: "Why show up now of all times? It's been weeks."

(Y/N): "I- uh, well uh, we- so . . . I've been really busy."

This is already going significantly worse than I had thought.

(Y/N): "After the attack, I spent most of my time helping to rebuild the city, and then I was also working on the new Tavern, and I just recently had a mission to go save a town, and then Bartra called In a thing earlier today, and then I went to the Tavern to grab something and now I'm here."

I make sure to still have the Tunic behind my back, it's not that I don't want her to see, it's just . . Not yet.

(Y/N): "It also didn't help that I had no clue where you lived . . Heh heh . ."

Why would I laugh? What is wrong with me?

(Y/N): "I uh, I have something for you."

I pull out the tunic from behind me, and hold it out to her, avoiding eye contact.

(Y/N): "Gustav wanted me to give you this."

After a few seconds I feel her grab the shirt, still in my hands.
I look up at her, and see her face filled with sadness.

(Y/N): "He um, he also made me promise to keep you safe. Not that he needed to, but still."

Why would I tell her that part? The hell is wrong with me tonight??

(Y/N): "I-I know he said some things to you for the majority of your life, but he didn't mean any of it. He told me he was only trying to protect you, that he loved you."

Tears start forming in her eyes. She slowly picks up the shirt and hugs it to her, then she grabs my hand and pulls me inside, closing the door.

I look around and see a decently sized room with a few chairs here and there, with a table on the far side against the wall opposite the door. There were two doors branching from this one, most likely a bedroom and . . . I'm guessing since she's a knight she'd have the luxury of having her own bathroom.

Jericho seemed at a loss for words, so I kept talking.

(Y/N): "I uh, I didn't mean to wake you, if I did."

Jericho is wearing what I assume to be pajamas, I don't really know if girls have different pajamas or not because the only ones I've lived with never wore them around me. I think.

Jericho: "You didn't."

She still hadn't looked away from the shirt, and she also hadn't wiped away her tears.

I walk over and wrap my arms around her pulling her into a hug.

She quickly wrapped her arms around me and squeezed.

I let her cry into my shoulder for a few minutes, rubbing her on the back.

I have no clue what to do here. Do I keep standing here? Do I talk? Do I break the hug? What?

Jericho: "Thank you."

In response I pat her on the back and break the hug.

I'm such an idiot.

Jericho rubs her left eye for a moment, then she gives you a kiss on the cheek.

Jericho: "I'm going to bed now."

She sounds Slightly disappointed, and still sad.

She starts walking towards the door on the left, and I watch her go.

So uh . . . Do I leave now?

She walks into her room, then closes the door, leaving it open a crack.

Uhh . . . I . . I guess I'll go then? I'll come back tomorrow I suppose.

I start to walk to the door, but something stops me.

I lift my head up and it clicks. She doesn't want me to leave! I think.

I turn around and slowly creak open the door to find her laying on the bed, moving slightly. Like she was rapidly breathing.

I take a few steps towards her, closing the door back to what it was behind me.

As I get closer I realize she isn't breathing rapidly, but is instead crying.
I put my hand on her shoulder, which makes her turn around really quickly.

We just stay there for a moment, until she grabs my hand and pulls me in for another hug.
I'm hunched over, stretching all the way to her from the floor..

I put my knee on the bed and use a tendril to remove my boots, before scooting up to her, still in the hug.

Jericho: "I'll never get used to that."

(Y/N): "What?"

Jericho: "Your . . Your tentacle things"

(Y/N): "Oh, yeah I suppose that makes sense."

I hold her tighter as she stops crying.

And that was the last thing I saw that night. Jericho starting to smile.

Heyo! Sorry if this one's a bit disappointing, but after I got here I couldn't really think of anything to do, so I just did this. Hopefully it will suffice though!

Another thing, I want to say thank you to everyone who's read this far. It really brings a smile to my face every time I publish a chapter and see that in about an hour 30 people have read it already! In fact, this story is almost at 50k reads, which just blows my mind in a way.
So again, thank you all for reading :)

(Also the first chapter to my Star Wars story is out, so you know . . . 👉👈🥺 The reason I bring this up is because every time I publish a story on my 7DS, it for some reason sends me a notification as well, and that didn't happen with the Star Wars one, so im not sure if it sent a notification. So just letting you know in case you wanted to read that.)

Thank you once more

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