Calm Before The Storm

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I don't bother going to sleep after that, as I just feel defeated. Instead I just sit on the ground until morning.

Escanor: "Ah, I see you're up already. Good morning!"

(Y/N): "Good morning Escanor! I uh, just got up."

He walks over to get some breakfast and sees Balmung next to the destroyed peice of meat.

Escanor: "What is this? What did you do to this peice of meat?"

(Y/N): "Oh That. I uh, well . . Okay I forgot what Balmung does and so I was trying to use it on the meat . . . Heh heh . ."

Escanor: "You forgot what Balmung does? It creates Illusions."

My eyes widen.

(Y/N): "I played tricks on myself? That footstep and the shado- OH COME ON!"

I get up and grab Balmung, re-connect it, and concentrate. Uh . . Jericho is all that's coming to mind so sure, let's make her.

Yeah I suck at this. Nothing is happening.

Escanor: "Oh good morning Jericho!"

I turn to greet her, but she's not there.

(Y/N): "Uh, Escanor? Are you oka-"

Escanor screams and runs behind me.

(Y/N): "What's wrong??"

I hold up Balmung, unsure of where I should be pointing it.

Escanor: "J-Jericho D-Dissap-peared! She just vanished into a cloud of smoke!"

(Y/N): "What?!"

Jericho: "What's going on?!"

Escanor: "How did you do that? That's a rather impressive move Miss Jericho!"

Jericho: "Do what?"

I smile as I realize what's going on here.

Escanor: "You . . . You turned into a puff of smoke and appeared back behind us!"

Jericho: "Um . . What?"

(Y/N): "No I think that was my Illusion Escanor. I thought it didn't work but I guess my aim just needs work."

Escanor: "Oh. What a relief!"

Jericho: "Illusion? Have you gotten a new power or something?"

(Y/N): "Ah something like that. I guess."

Jericho: "What can you make?"

(Y/N): "Uh . . Anything I think. Ill make one for you if you want."

Jericho: "Oh, yeah sure!"

(Y/N): "What do you want?"

Jericho: "How about just something small, like a tiny dragon or something."

I hold out my left hand and grip Balmung, point the blade at my palm, and focus on a dragon.

Nothing appears.

(Y/N): "Well, sorry Jericho I need to work on that."

Jericho: "What do you mean? It looks really real!"

I raise an eyebrow, confused.

Escanor: "Miss Jericho . . There uh, there's nothing there."

Jericho: "You don't see this?"

(Y/N): "No?"

I lower my arms slowly, unsure if the Illusion is still going.

I walk back over to my meat slab, I'm not going to let it go to waste even if it is covered in . . . Stab marks.

(Y/N): "Hey Escanor, do you think Estarossa might've survived?"

Escanor: "What do you mean, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Um . . . Yesterday? When Him and Melascula attacked us?"

Escanor: "Forgive me, but I'm certain nothing of that manner happened."

I put on the fire for my meat.

(Y/N): "Then what- Oh."

I look over at Balmung.

(Y/N): "Really? H-HOW? How do I do that to myself? I swear she hit me! And Estarossa- I couldn't move- W-"

Merlin: "Settle down, (Y/N). You've clearly forgotten everything involved with Balmung. Though I'm not sure how, it should be looked into."

(Y/N): "Oh, good morning Merlin. Uh . . Would you mind telling me how my Illusions . . Slapped me?"

Merlin: "They didn't. Balmung let's you create Illusions so believable you might even harm yourself in their place."

(Y/N): "So I slapped myself. Great."

Come to think of it, Escanor would never say he Blasted someone either.

Jericho is just standing there looking confused.

(Y/N): "So, can only one person see the Illusion at a time?"

Merlin: "No, just a targeted group."

I set the meat on the grating above the fire, realizing it'll probably taste like metal.

(Y/N): "Anything else I need to know, or am I all caught up?"

Merlin: "Nothing at the moment."

When my meat is finished cooking I take it off the grating and set it on the table, looking for seasonings.
There aren't any on the table so I start looking in the barrels.

Jericho: "Here you go, this is all we've got."

She points to a small barrel.

I walk over and grab a random assortment, because nothing is labeled. There are a few things that I know, but most of it is unrecognizable.

(Y/N): "Thank you! I would offer you a peice but it's probably going to taste like metal and a lot of things you don't want together."

I sprinkle a little bit of everything onto it and slice a peice off with Balmung.

An axe slams down in front of me

(Y/N): "Ahh!"

And then it dissapears into a puff of smoke.

I toss Balmung onto the table, getting more and more agitated by it.

It take a bite of my stabbed, cooked, poorly seasoned meat, and-

(Y/N): "Oh this is great! Jericho come have a peice!"

She tries a bite and her face brightens up.

Jericho: "What did you season this with?"

(Y/N): "I have no clue whatsoever. But hey, I'm not complaining!"

Ban: "Hey (Y/N), to catch you up real quick, the 10 commandments are attacking kingdom after kingdom, and we're heading to Liones to try and save it."

(Y/N): "Great, when do we leave?"

Ban: "Tomorrow."

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