Lion Sin Of Pride

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Escanor goes and hides under a table close to the back wall, so he's hard to see unless you're specifically looking for him.

Suddenly the ground starts to shake, making me stumble. The whole front of the tavern gets cut off. They literally cut a mountain almost clean in half.

(Y/N): "Full wolf!"

I start to grow to double my original size, and get covered in my own energy until I resemble a wolf.
I look at my arms.

(Y/N): "Been a while since I've done this."

Galand walks through the huge hole he made, with Melascula floating behind.

Galand: "Waaah? What are you? Wait . . . That looks the same as those tentacle and Sheild things! You're the same person as before aren't you?"

(Y/N): "Yup."

4 tendrils come out of my back, but are also twice as big.

(Y/N): "Ready for round two?"

Galand: "I love a good challenge! I admit, I had quite a rough time with the last fight, but now I'm recharged."

(Y/N): "Is that so?"

Galand: "I suggest you stay back, Melascula."

Melascula: "Wait, you're going to use your magical power?"

Galand: "Yes. I was saving this for my rematch with Meliodas, but I won't stand a chance in this fight without it."

(Y/N): "Uh, and what might that be?"

Galand: "Critical Overload!"

His eyes grow in size, his armor gets thicker and covered in spikes, and he grows a bit as well. Not much, but still.
I'm still not as tall as him, and he's even hunched over.

Galand: "Now you surely can't beat me!"

(Y/N): "What, because your armor looks different?"

Galand: "No, it's much mo-"

I punch him square in the jaw, or at least of his armor. He skids about 20 feet and stumbles over backwards.

(Y/N): "Listen, Galand, you're strong, but not as much as me."

Galand: "And how do you know that?"

He gets up and starts walking towards me.

(Y/N): "Watch and find out."

I run over to him and grab him, not slowing down. He lifts his spear to stab me, but my stomach turns to tendrils and moves out of the way so he stabs himself.

Galand: "Not bad, bu-"

I slam him into the wall, making several huge cracks.

Galand: "Do you rea-"

I grab his neck and slam him into the ground and stomp on him.
I lift my foot to hit him again, but he grabs it and throws me into the safe where Jericho, Ban and Elaine are. I get up and look at it.

It's pretty dented, but not broken. I pick up a table.

Galand: "Do you really that that will hurt me?"

I cover it in my energy, and throw it at him as hard as I can. He goes to swat it out of the way, but it hit him so hard his entire arm flies off.
He screams in pain.

Galand: "Agh, that's a pretty good move, but it'll take a lot more than that to kill an elite member of the demon rac-"

I use the tendrils on my back to grab his legs out from under him, and I jump on top of him and start punching his head.

I use the tendrils to hold his arm and legs down so he can't move. Every punch I do shakes the ground and cracks it.

Suddenly his other arm flies back to him and he punches me. I dont get off him though. I use the spare tendril to hold that arm down, and continue beating him.

I feel something weird on my stomach, and look down at it. Its Melascula's darkness. She pulls me off if him and tosses me into the vault again, breaking a few of the hinges and cracking the lock.

Melascula: "There're in there, aren't they? Their souls will be mine."

(Y/N): "No. That's not going to happen."

Melascula: "Garland's powerlevel was 40,000 in that last fight. Meaning yours has to be at least 45,000 to do that well against him."

(Y/N): "What, and your's is higher?"

Melascula: "No, but I am far more skilled than him. Also, while you were fighting him I watched what you did. I know how you fight in this form."

(Y/N): "I can switch things up."

Melascula: "It will make no difference."

I pick up a stool and throw it at her, but I don't enhance it. She barely moves her darkness and it breaks.

Melascula: "I'm getting into that vault."

(Y/N): "No."

I pick up the entire bar stand, and throw it at her.

Melascula: "Really? Another regular item? How many times will you try this?"

I left a small bit of tendril on it, and it expands to cover the whole thing. It his her and she goes flying as she was not expecting it.

Melascula: "How foolish."

She extends her darkness and slaps me into the ground, then she rushes over to me and slams me around all over the place. I get up and try to move, but she picks me up and smashes me into a wall or the floor again. This continues for hours, until one time she slams me right next to a huge crack that I made in the floor. I grab it and turn to face her. I make my hand into a huge blade and slice at the ground. She pulls me back to her, but I enhance the rock and throw it at her. She uses her darkness to block it, and I run over to her.

Or at least I try. She had beaten me so hard that I fall over. She rolls me over and raises her darkness.

Melascula: "No, I'd say your power level in this form is closer to 50,000. If it was in the 40s then you would be dead already. Well, I thank you for shutting Galand up for a bit. As a reward I'll kill you know and end your suffering."

She forms her darkness into a point, and shoots it down at me.

She is suddenly out of my veiw, and I see a bright light.

Escanor: "Pitiful that you couldn't even kill someone as weak as her."

(Y/N): "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

I cough and sit up to watch the light show, but fall over and pass out before I can even figure out where Escanor and Melascula are.

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