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I land on the city's wall, reform and scan out over all the buildings, hoping to see Jericho. After several minutes, I slink down the wall tendril by tendril until I'm at the bottom, making sure not to drop the shirt.

I head towards the nearest building that looks like a house and knock.
After a minute of standing there, I assume either nobody's home or they're asleep.

I head to the nearest house from there, and dust myself off before knocking, having almost no confidence that this will go any better. I reach out my hand and hit the door softly, before standing with my hands behind my back.
A woman opens the door and for a split second my heart skips a beat, partially out of fear and partially out of joy. Then it sinks back down when I don't recognize any of the features on her face.

Woman: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "Uh, Pardon me, but I'm looking for someone. Do you happen to know where anyone named Jericho might live?"

Woman: "Sorry, I've never met anyone with that name."

I nod my head slightly to the side, not surprised, but still disappointed.

(Y/N): "Well, thank you anyway."

I turn and start walking over to the next house, and I hear the door close behind me.
How long am I going to be doing this?

I head all over town, knocking on every door I see for what felt tike hours. As I'm knocking on door after door after door, and only getting a response about half the time, I start to wonder what kind of experiments Merlin is doing on that chunk of me. Could she find out where I'm from? What I am?

I could just go ask someone in the castle. Why don't I do that?
I walk up to another door.

I mean what's stopping me? Why am I making this way harder than it has to be?

I knock on the door and stand there for a moment, slightly hunched over and disheartened.

The door opens and I pop my head up to see a head of slightly purple hair infront of me.

I smile as I look down to see J- well . . . That's not her.

In fact that's a man.

Man: "What do you want at this hour?"

I look up to the sky and notice that there's no sun left in the sky.

(Y/N): "I'm sorry, I just really need to find someone, do you know a Jericho?"

Man: "No."

(Y/N): "A-"

He closes the door in my face, hitting me with a small gust of wind.

(Y/N): "Fine."

I turn and look at the sky again, before looking at the path ahead. I've not even searched a small portion of the homes in Liones, I'm never gonna find her at this rate!"

I turn to head back to the Tavern, defeated, before getting an idea.

My head jerks up with excitement as I think of it, and it's close to midnight AND I have the option to have the best nose in Britania!

I just need a scent. I mean I should remember it, but it's been months . . We did get physically close a few times after I woke up though, so I should have it? And if not?

I look down at the shirt in my hand.

Well I'm sure he visited somewhat regularly, if not lived with her.
But then why did he have this in the castle? A quarters or something? Awfully nice for something like that.

Anyway . .

I Plant my feet ro the ground, look to the moon, and clear my throat.

(Y/N): "Full Wolf!"

I stand there for a moment, waiting for the transformation to happen, but it's never been this delayed before.

I clear my throat again, and again just to make sure that wasn't the problem, and try again.

(Y/N): "Full Wolf!"

I stand there for 15 seconds and after nothing happens I stand normally and look down at my body.

(Y/N): "Eh- Huh?"

Okay, okay, it's uh, it's probably just uh . . . My Energy adjusting to the new powers, I'm sure that uh, um, it'll be back in a bit.

I guess uh, I could try and track her energy . . ?

I mean I can sense it easily with the Commandments, or the Sins, but her's isn't on that level. As a Holy Knight though, it should be high enough to differentiate it from regular townsfolk.

I close my eyes and do my absolute best to try and sense power near me, and eventually I find a few of them. I head towards one of the weaker ones. I mean she is strong, but when compared to Gilthunder, she's not quite there.

After a few minutes of walking, I finally made it to what I believe to be the house.

I knock on the door, and after a minute of silence, the door opens slightly there she is.

Jericho pokes her head through the crack and looks at me, and I can see a mixture of joy, sadness and . . Anger?

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