Ban's mission

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I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I turn to see Ban standing there, with Jericho behind him.
He walks over, cuts his hand, and let's his blood drip into King's mouth.
I watch anxiously to see what he was doing.

King coughs and sits up. All the fairies around us, the ones I didn't scare away, started cheering that he woke up.

I hear a strange noise, so I look where it's coming from. Up. The tree is reforming itself, strange, I didn't notice it had been cut in half.
I look back to King.

(Y/N): "I'm so glad you're not dead!"

King: "Thanks. ."

Ban: "Hey, that's great man, good for you. Now I can finally move on and kiss this pain in the ass job goodbye."

(Y/N): "Wait what job?"

A random fairy: "He single handedly revived this Forrest! 10 years ago it was completely destroyed, no plant life left. But thanks to Ban, the man Elaine trusted the Fountain Of Youth to, the Forrest has been revived!"

(Y/N): "Oh, ok. I'm not completely sure what that means."

This fairy girl with a dress that covered her legs started to say thank you to Ban.
I felt happy for him that all his hard work had paid off, but he grabs her angrily.

Ban: "Now lemmie make this clear, I couldn't care less what you think of me, or what you tried to put me through, got it?! But the next time you try to hurt Elaine I won't hesitate to kill you!"

The Fairy girl: "I swear that I'll protect Lady Elaine's body, no matter what!"

Ban: "Damn right you will!"

He tosses her to the ground.

(Y/N): "Wait what do you mean Elaine's body?? And what did she put you through?"

Ban doesn't answer me. Instead he just walks off.

Ban: "See you later."

(Y/N): "Woah woah woah, you're not goin anywhere without me. I know how you can be."

Ban: "I'm fine with you coming, but if you come then so will Jericho."

I look back to see her standing there, staring. Not necessarily at me, just staring.

(Y/N): "What's wrong with Jericho?"

Ban: "Nothing is wrong with her, I just dont want her to come."

(Y/N): "Ban, come on."

Ban: "Fine, you're lucky you two like eachother. Otherwise she wouldn't come.

When we catch up, King has had enough time to collect his thoughts.

King: "Ban, wait! I'll ask you one last time, you're really not going back to the Seven Deadly Sins with me? And what about you (Y/N)?"

Ban: "Tell 'em hi for me, alright?"

King looks at him, a little sad.

King: "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "Nope. Not at all. Sorry King."

He looks so sad and alone, and I give him a wink. He brightens up a little.
I turn to tendrils and zip over to him.

(Y/N): "I'll be back."

I turn and walk away, following Ban.

Jericho: "Why aren't you guys going back?"

(Y/N): "Well I'm not sure about Ban, but uh . . . I am."

After quite a long time of walking, Ban is questioning a . . . Well a person I dont really know what he works as. I can't really hear what he's saying, since I'm outside waiting with Jeeicho.

Jericho: "Wait what do you mean you dont know what you are?"

(Y/N): "I don't. I've never met anyone else like me."

Jericho: "Not one person?"

(Y/N): "Nope. Not even one. I'm a freak of nature, never meant to exist. Yet here I am."

Jericho: "Woah, you're not a freak. And I don't think you weren't meant to exist."

(Y/N): "Thanks, Jericho."

Jericho: "Oh by they way, wh-"

Ban comes out to us.

Ban: "Alright lovebirds let's go."

(Y/N): "Wait go where?"

We follow behind him.

Ban: "Not far, just to a nearby village."

After a few minutes of walking, Jericho breaks the silence.

Jericho: "So, why are you guys called the Seven Deadly Sins if there are 8 of you?"

Ban: "I'm not apart of them anymore."

(Y/N): "Because it's more catchy than Eight Deadly Sins."

Jericho: "Oh okay, I guess that makes sense."

And that was about it for conversation during the walk, except a bit of small talk.

When we finally arrive, the town looks pretty boring. We stop at a Tavern to try and get any info we can. Jericho decides to wait outside.

(Y/N): "Woah, look at that waitress!"

I point to a waitress that is so buff, she looks like she could throw all 3 of us 30 feet away all at once.

Ban: "Woah she's pretty buff."

I start to notice all the other people in the bar. They all look like they would only tell us something if they got a lot of money in return.
We sit down at a table and I look for someone who looks like they might tell us for cheap.

(Y/N): "Hey Ban, what are we here for again?"

Ban: "We're here to find someone who can resurrect the dead. See anyone who looks like they could do that?"

(Y/N): "Well I dont even know how we could tell if someone could do that based on their looks."

The lady comes up to us and asks if we want anything to drink, and we both get a drink.
After a few hours, we've probably had close to 40 drinks and Ban is passed out. I am struggling to not fall off my stool, but it's very challenging. I look over and see Jericho walking in, looking very impatient.

(Y/N): "Ooohh heyy J-Jeri . . . cho . ."

Then I fall onto the table and pass out.

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