Protect The Captain

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I continue to run towards Meliodas, and the man with a cape flies toward me as fast as he possibly can, with big fireballs in either hand. I move to dodge, but he is filled with determination and hits me, sending me into the air.

I look over and see the black and silver haired men standing over Meliodas, and use my elevation to my advantage. I go full tendril and start to glide over to them, but the caped man flies up to me and hits be with a fiery uppercut.
It knocks me back a bit, but I'm not stopping now. Not for this. I wrap around his arms and send him flying to the ground as had as I can, pulling myself on top of him.

I zip towards Meliodas once again. When I finally get there, Ban is on the back of the silver haired man and Meliodas has 4 swords in his abdomen. I go to punch the silver haired man, but I just collapsed. I've lost all ability to fight. I can barely even get up again.

He turns to me.

Silver haired man: "Those who have hate in their hearts lose the ability to harm others. That is my commandment, the commandment of love."

(Y/N): "What the hell does that mean?"

He turns back to put a fifth sword into Meliodas, and Ban is still desperately trying to save our Captain.

Save. Our captain. He needs us. He needs me. I stand up, and the energy I'm emitting Is starting to change. It's making a new form. I gain a second knee, one that goes backwards and is below the first one, I grow taller and more monstrous, resembling a wolf less and less. My forearms get bigger and covered with spikes. My ears get pointed and a spike comes out of my elbow and first knee. My tendrils get more and more rigid and grow spikes, and my energy forms into an almost armor like shape on my shoulders and chest.

The silver haired man looks at me, six swords in Meliodas. I slowly step toward him, and raise my fist. But it falls. I still can't harm him.
I have to relieve myself of hate. He hasn't killed Meliodas yet, so what do I hate him for? I . . . I have no reason, right? He hasn't done the one thing I hate him for. There's no . . . No reason.

He starts laughing. "You still can't bypass a Commandment, no matter how powerful you are!"

(Y/N): "No. But I can still work around them."

I have nothing to hate him for. Nothing.

I raise my fist again, and he cocks his head.

Silver haired man: "Really? You never learn do you."

I punch him has hard as I can, but it's not as hard as it should've been. I have almost no hate left for him, but i haven't let go. I can't fully let go.

He recovers and punches me, kocking me back quite a bit. As I fall, I close my eyes and think of things I like. My friends, good memories, Jericho, all the good times we've ever had.

The feeling of hate starts to leave. It's not that I don't hate him anymore, I just don't feel any hate.

I get up.

Silver haired man: "When will you just give up?"

He pulls out another sword and walks toward me.

(Y/N): "Never!"

I pull my fist up from the ground and move it to his face as fast as possible. He goes flying, but catches himself by digging his sword into the ground.

Him and the black haired man walk towards me.

Silver haired man: "Zeldris, brother, I can handle this."

Zeldris: "No Estarossa. He is too powerful. I can take him, you finish with Meliodas."

(Y/N): "I can take you both. Don't think so? That's fine. I'll kill you one at a time then."

They look at eachother, nod, and continue heading my way.

I shoot tendrils at Estarossa while jumping at Zeldris. He's more powerful. Estarossa fends off my tendrils while I tackle Zeldris to the ground and punch him repeatedly. He shoots up his lefts hand and knocks me off.

Estarossa leaps and dodges through my tendrils and runs towards me.

I notice that Ban is gone, and see a ton of blood on the ground where he was. Oh.

I pick myself up and look at Estarossa. Zeldris is walking towards me.

I leap at Estarossa, tackle him, pick him up by his head and start to form my arm into a point. I move to stab Estarossa, but my entire arm is gone. I look over at Zeldris and he has his sword out. My arm is on the ground.

I slam Estarossa into him, and he picks himself up.

(Y/N): "Reverse."


He looked puzzled for a second, then stabs me with his sword. I reattach my arm and pick him up and slam him into the ground over and over before throwing him at Estarossa, who just got up.

Then I jump onto Estarossa, go to punch him as hard As I can, and fly off of him.

He gets up and laughs.

Estarossa: "That's full counter. It's like my brothers, but mine repels physical attacks with 3 times the force."

(Y/N): "Good to know. Reverse"

He drops his sword and falls down.

I hop up and rush over and stomp his head into the ground. Zeldris jumps at me, and punches me so hard I fly away with several parts of my body aching worse than ever before.

(Y/N): "Reverse."

I land and run back over to see Zeldris on the ground as Estarossa stands up.

Estarossa: "Neat trick you got there."

I almost teleport to him and hit him, sending him flying. Then I go flying as well. Zeldris had hit me in the back, grabbed Estarossa, and jumped over to Meliodas. Estarossa took a second, grabbed another sword, and lifted it.

I shoot out a tendril into the ground and pull myself over to him.

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