The Castle

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Once again, I'm first to wake up. But this time at least morning I close.
I sit up and my shoulder starts hurting a lot.

I slowly stand up since my whole body hurts, but mostly my left shoulder.

I walk over to the Table I left Balmung on and go to grab it, but then a huge pain shoots through my left arm.
After a few seconds I grab it and move it until there's a pop, and most of the pain goes away.
Then I grab Balmung, head back over and look over the rest of the group.

I give a deep exhale and go make what I can for breakfast for everyone.

Escanor walks up behind me and looks at the food.

Escanor: "That looks rather delicious, (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "Thank you, I'm just making what I made for myself yesterday . . Well except without stabbing them hundreds of times."

Escanor: "What spices did you use?"

(Y/N): "No clue what they are, but they sure taste good."

By the time the food was done everyone had already woken up and was now sitting at the makeshift table, although Escanor and Jericho were still back at the tent area.

Merlin: "we should hurry with this, who knows when they'll attack."

(Y/N): "Well you can just telleport us there, right?"

I walk over and start dishing everyone up.

Merlin: "Well yes, but my point still stands."

Escanor and Jericho walk out from the tent, and Escanor has started to grow a bit of muscle. Not much but still.
I finish giving Ban his meat and then look back at them, ready to dish up but they're holding something.

Jericho: "We knew you would still be pretty banged up when you woke up, so we went to find you whatever armor we could."

Escanor: "That's what Miss Jericho was at the nearby town for."

(Y/N): "Oh! Thank you!"

Jericho: "It's not much but it's all we could get our hands on since we got a late start."

I give them their food and start putting on the armor they got.

It's not much, just shoulder pads, gauntlets, and shin guards, but it will definitely work.

By the time I finish strapping on the shoulder guards, the left one slightly larger, everyone was done with their food.

I walk over to mine quickly and scarf it down in one bite.

(Y/N): "Alright Merlin, let's go."

I furrow my eyebrows when I see her Orb inside her stomach, with a white glow around it. How long had that been there and how did I not notice?

When I look away though, we're here. In Liones.

Merlin: "I'll be at my Lab, as I have yet to fix this."

She flies off quickly.

(Y/N): "O . . Okay . . ?"

We all start sprinting up to the castle, because that's probably where they will attack. Although King and Diane aren't with us? Where did they go?
Alright . . .

Escanor, Ban, Jericho, and I run up the stairs to the castle.

When we get there though, there's not really anything going on, just patrolling Holy Knights.

(Y/N): "Hm . . Okay well that's good . . What now?"

Ban: "We should find the King and group up with some of the Stronger Holy Knights."

(Y/N): "That's a good plan!"

We walk into the Castle, and start heading to . . . Wherever the King is, I've actually not seen the room.

We climb flight after flight of stairs until we finally reach the right one, and we head in.

Gilthunder, Howzer, Guila, and a few more that I haven't met are standing around the King.
One of The Knights actually looks a little familiar but I swear I've never seen him. His hair color is also really similar to Jericho's.

King Bartra: "Oh thank the heavens you guys are here. We're going to need all the help we can get."

Jericho spots the guy I was looking at and runs over to hug him.

Ahh now I see it, that must be her brother!

Ban: "We're here to help in any way we can, you got anything for us?"

Bartra: "Not at the moment, but be on your guard. They could be attacking any minute."

I walk over to Jericho's brother, hand out.

(Y/N): "Hey, what's your name?"

He shakes my hand

Jericho's Brother: "Gustav, and you are?"

(Y/N): "(Y/N)."

Gustav: "Ah, I've heard a lot about you in the past minute, nice to meet you!"

Jericho just watches us happily.

(Y/N): "So, do you have a magical power?"

Gustav: "Yeah, It's called Ice Fang."

Jericho's face drops slightly.

(Y/N): "Well it was nice meeting you, but we should probably go get extra prepared, just in case. I'll talk to you soon, though!"

Jericho and I go up another flight of stairs into a spare room.

A small pain comes into my shoulder again, but I ignore it.
I head over to a barrel of water and splash some on my face, and then the pains get much more intense, and spread over to the left side of my neck.

Jericho comes over and put her hand on my shoulder, which surprisingly helps a lot. I turn to face her, and then immediately pass out.

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