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Gilthunder shoots off (E/Y/N)'s Tendrils with his lightning, and I catch myself from falling back into the kitchen.
I quickly get on my feet as my shoulders and arm heal, looking straight at Jericho.

(Y/N): "Thanks for the save, but what is Jericho in?"

(E/Y/N) shoots more tendrils through the hole, and Gilthunder slices them away without too much trouble. I guess he's weak to lightning too, huh?

Ban: "Those bastards are going to turn her into a demon!"

I look at him with shock, and after a moment of hesitation I launch a tendril out of my back heading straight for her demon ball.
Ban jumps in the way before it can get too far, and catches my tendril with his chest.

(Y/N): "What? What are you-"

Ban: "If you break the pod, she'll die! And if she dies, That black blob up there will kill you too!"

Gilthunder: "It's Commandment is pacifism, if you kill in his presence, all your time will be taken away!"

Howzer: "And what's with the tentacle pit?"

(Y/N): "I'm not entirely sure myself. All I know it that he looks like me, has my abilities, and also has my weaknesses."

I pull my tendril out of Ban and stand there, panicked.

I look up and see a black Blob with at least a dozen faces, and next to him is Dreyfus, or uh . . Fraudrin.

(Y/N): "Oh, and he's also stronger than me.

Ban: "What??"

(Y/N): "How much time do we have before Jericho turns?"

I hear a plop from her direction, and when I turn to see her, her pod is on the ground. I didn't even realize it was being held up before.

Gustav says something that I didn't quite hear, and shoots snow at Jericho and whoever is in the pod next to her.

I turn to see him, but before I can find him some tendrils break the ground under me and pull me down.

(E/Y/N): "So, Jericho is up there, huh?"

I get up on my feet, slowly raising my arms.

(Y/N): "You better back off."

(E/Y/N): "Or what? You clearly can't beat me, Gilthunder can only delay the inevitable, and Escanor is busy. What's your plan?"

Ban lands on him and starts beating him into the ground. I jump up, reach 4 tendrils out of my back, and start doing the same.

When he goes to punch Ban, I hold his arm back with a Tendril, and Ban responds by attacking that arm.

He shoots a tendril out of his back and straight into my stomach, making my tendril loosen. He sharpens his hand and stabs Ban in the chest, before stabbing him with the other 3 tendrils.
He raises his other arm, sharpens it, and gets shocked by Gilthunder.

He stumbles back, and I leap in and knock him upside the head several times.

Ban pulls the tendrils out of him and kicks him in the back of the head,

Just as he goes to retaliate, Gilthunder shocks him again, which hits me a little, but nothing too bad.
Ban, Gilthunder and I keep this up for several minutes, before he blocks Gilthunder's attack with a table, which he then throws at him.

He sharpens his right hand and stabs my left shoulder, while he takes his left hand and grabs Ban's Neck. He jumps into another room with us, just dodging Gilthunder's attack. He kicks him back into the room with the other Holy Knights, and then slams Ban into the ground and pins him there by both arms and legs using his tendrils.

He turns to me and begins trying to slice me, but I still have all my tendrils free. I knock his hand out of the way and punch him right in the jaw.

He wraps his left arm around his right one, making it way bigger. He sharpens it and just as he's about to slice at me, Ban leaps up, grabs all 4 of his tendrils, and starts swinging him around.

I wrap my left arm around my right arm, wishing I could form it into a hammer, or scythe or anything but a basic blade, but it will do. I begin spinning the opposite direction, hold the blade out, and hit nothing.

(E/Y/N): "You know Ban, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but this is a private matter. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Ban: "Like hell I will!"

Ban jumps up and (E/Y/N) goes to smack him out of the castle, but I slice off his tendrils.

He spins around and smacks me into a wall, then catches Ban in the air and slams him down.

(E/Y/N): "Fine. If you insist."

He clears his throat.

(E/Y/N): "Full Wolf"

His energy begins to flow all over him, wrapping around him, causing him to grow. When the energy fully covers him, it begins to take shape.

I jump at him as fast as I can, knowing that there's no chance of us beating him if he goes into that state.

Ban does the same, and we both slam into him, me at his legs, and Ban at his head, making him collapse.

Gilthunder runs into the room, and without hesitation jumps up, charges his lightning, and gets smacked away.

(E/Y/N) gets up and looks at us. He's not in the form of an energy wolf man, but instead is similar to the form I took when Meliodas was killed. Only its more . . . Demonic.

He walks towards Ban, who tries to get out of the way, and slams him into the ground.
He leans in and growls at him.

(E/Y/N): "I told you . . ."

He picks him up by the head.

(E/Y/N): "TO LEAVE!"

He throws Ban as hard as he can, sending him way farther than I thought.
He was so far away that I couldn't even sense him anymore.

(E/Y/N): "Now, Gilthunder, would you like to leave, or should I give you the same treatment?"

Gilthunder climbs to his feet, and glares at (E/Y/N).

(Y/N): "Gilthunder please go!"

He looks me in the eye.

Gilthunder: "Not a chance."

(E/Y/N) leaps towards him, but Vivian telleports in, grabs Gilthunder, and vanishes.

You know, I never thought I would be glad to see her.

(E/Y/N) turns to face me, growling.

(Y/N): "So where did you come from? I thought I was the only one."

(E/Y/N): "WE are the only ones."

(Y/N): "Then where did WE come from?"

(E/Y/N): "If I knew, I would tell you. I honestly would. It's just a shame you won't ever get that closure. I can however, tell you where I came from."

(Y/N): "I thought you didn't know?"

(E/Y/N): "Not where we originated, but where I came from. I'm not sure you remember, but Zeldris cut us in half. While you went and regenerated, they came and collected me. Melascula brought me to life.

(Y/N): "Wait hold on, you're . . You're my LEGS?"

Seven Deadly Sins X Reader, Wolf Sin Of Despond Where stories live. Discover now