The Second Fight Festival

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Before anyone could answer my question, 2 people on a  huge rock call our attention.

There is a boy wrapped up in vines and a blue four-armed giant.

Vine boy: "Welcome everybody to this time kill- I mean Great Fighting Festival! But before we get things underway, we'll need to prepare the arena. All right Drole, are you ready?"

Diane and the other giant she's with look shocked.

Apparently the blue dude is Drole.

He starts doing some weird hand motions, and suddenly two giant stone hands come out of the ground, each with flattened fingertips.

Vine boy: "Fantastic! This is where you will all be fighting. I'll cut out all the others in the maze."

He shoots his vines out into the arena and I hear a bunch of screams.

(Y/N): "Wh-"

I look over and see King in here with us, but it doesn't seem that he notices us. He's too focused on the vine boy.

They do a whole bunch of talking up there, and then the guy from the first festival comes out in a referee uniform.

Ban, Meliodas, and (Y/N): "What's he doing here?"

He starts counting us.

Ref: "Alright, this was going to be a two man tag match, but we're making it a 3 man tag match! Are you ready?"

(Y/N): "YE- *ahem*"

Nobody else said anything and now they were all looking at me.

Gowther: "Hang on a moment! Because Gowther has arrived!"

He flips off the wall and lands on Escanor.
How did he even get up there?

I can't hear what there're saying, but I assume its something like "please get off me".

Escanor starts screaming about something? Broken glasses?

Suddenly the vine boy shoots a vine at Escanor, stabbing him straight through the chest.
We all run over to him as fast as we can.

I look back at the vine boy fiercely, and notice that he has huge wings that were very colorful. So he's a fairy.

Escanor: I . . Haven't told . . Her yet. Miss Merlin . . No-No. Not now."

He starts crying.

Escanor: "I can't die. I wish to . . . Live."

Vine fairy: " The whole reason for this tournament was to fulfill someone's greatest wish. One that's just like this."

He moves a vine towards us, and I stand defensively. It turns into a giant flower.

Some glowing water drips off of it and falls onto Escanor. Almost instantly the huge hole in his chest was gone, as if he'd never been stabbed.

The ground starts to lift all of us.

Drole: "Those standing on the same floating stones now are comrades in arms, chosen by fate. Trust eacother with your lives. And fight with everything you've got!"

I am on the same platform as Ban and Meliodas. I look for Jericho, but I can't find her. I assume they left her out of this. Good.

King and Diane are with someone I've never met before. Why did she not remember me?

3 weird Demon bird things are on the platform next to us.

Another platform lifts up and Elizabeth, Elaine, and Jericho are on it.

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