Strange Presence

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I retreat back to the other side of the wall to meet up with any of the other Sins that I could find, but really my chances aren't good since Escanor doesn't have enough power to give away his location yet, and Ban is harder to spot.
Looks like I'm on my own for now.

I land back down and set my jaw, all while I feel the familiar, horrible essence come closer and closer.

I put Balmung back into one peice and focus on calming myself and gathering the energy I could.

After almost a minute of focus, I've gathered all I can. I turn slowly to face whichever ones might be headed here.

As they get closer I can tell that one is significantly stronger than most of the others.

Estarossa is the first to make it into my line of sight, which instantly lights a fire in me.

My eyes widen and I turn to run away, knowing that I would be completely powerless against him, though I do cast an illusion of myself where I was.

I jump off the edge of the wall and slide my way ddown, and when I land I take off in a desperate sprint.

I've got to find-

The wall behind me explodes right where "I" was, which sends a peice of debris into my back, knocking me down.

(Y/N): "AAH!"

I get up and turn to face nobody, so I assume they just blasted the wall. I go full tendril and head to the castle as fast as I can.

I check behind me just in time to see a rock flying towards a group of people in front of me, so I jump up and reform enough to kick it out of the way before continuing on.

By the time I make it there, the Commandment's energy had dispersed all across Liones, meaning they were likely going to start on the outsides and work their way in.

But something . . . Is off. I can feel another presence that feels so familiar yet so new.

I instinctively start walking towards it, before realizing that it was hanging around Commandments.

Who . . . Is that?

I flip my head around as I sense Ban's presence very nearby, and start heading over to him.

I hoist myself upto the area he's at, revealing a whole group of Holy Knights, including Gustav, Gilthunder, Howzer, a guy who . . Looks like a metal lump? Even Slader is there.
I land next to Ban.

Ban: "AAH! Don't scare me like that you moron!"

(Y/N): "Sorry sorry, calm down. Why are we all here by-"

No. Oh no no no.

We all drop our weapons in unison, and I turn to face him. Estarossa.

Estarossa starts laughing.

Estarossa: "Oh you poor helpless people. Really, it's almost sad to see you all like this. I'll just go ahead and put you out of your misery."

He looks at Ban and I.

"And I suppose I'll have to try a little harder than last time considering that the two of you are still here."

Before any of us can say anything though, a powerful stomp comes from behind us. I don't pay it much mind though, as it was probably another Holy Knight dropping their weapon. But then there's another. And another.

I turn my head to see Escanor, wearing a full set of shiny, Golden armor with blue sheilds, bearing White lions and gold outlines on his shoulders. But he's also holding his axe.

Knight: "How is he not affected by the Commandment? Is he too powerful?"

(Y/N): "I- uh . . . I guess so?"

He calmly walks past us and makes his way up to Estarossa, who has a mixture of shocked and impressed on his face.

Estarossa: "Does my Commandment not effect you?"

Escanor: "Of coarse it doesn't. Why would I bear any hatred in my heart for those who are weaker than me? I only pitty them"

He leans in, still making sure he's a few inches above Estarossa.

Every ounce of my being boils with anticipation, but before anything even happens, I feel the familiar presence rapidly coming closer.


Heyy sorry for taking ages to make this short part that isn't even 1,000 words long! I didn't plan to take this long but I'm here to explain before you sacrifice me for my absence.

I took this break not because of school or anything, but simply because I wasn't sure where I was going to take this story. I also wanted to finish the show before I continued, and that's done and done now.

And I've finally figured out all the major plot point I want this charecter to have, so the story is back on track.
Also sorry if the writing isn't as good on this one, I've gotten a bit rusty, but that will fix itself in time.

Anyway thanks for reading and have a good time!

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