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When I wake up, it's dark out.

Escanor: "Oh thank goodness!"

I jump up as fast as I can, remembering why I was here.

(Y/N): "Did I miss the fight? I mean it looks like it turned out alright if so."

Ban: "Yeah, don't count yourself so lucky. They never showed up so we got a whole extra day of preparation, you on the other hand, well you got some beauty sleep.

(Y/N): "Oh . . Well that's okay too, I guess."

Escanor: "Maybe it would be best if you didn't participate in this battle, (Y/N), you keep passing out every now and again."

(Y/N): "No. That's something that I'm not even going to consider, you're very powerful but not all of them are going to attack you, and same thing for Ban, and yeah, the Holy Knights are fairly strong, but they don't stand a chance against even a single commandment. The Kingdom is going to need all the help it can get."

Jericho walks in, rushes over, and goes to grab my collar, but she stops herself.

Jericho: "Don't scare me like that! You seriously had me worried! Again!"

(Y/N): "Ahh I just passed out for . . . Uh . . Escanor help me out here?"

Escanor: "About 14 hours."

I don't know why, but I'm feeling a very strong urge to talk to Guatav again.

(Y/N): "Oohhhh . . . Alright well I'm going to take a walk of silence for a minute and clear my head, I'll be back in . . Let's say half an hour?"

Everyone stares slightly baffled at me as I walk out the door as if nothing had happened.

All this passing out has got to be taking a toll on me. I've not even been pushing myself so I'm scared for what will happen when the Commandments attack.
But no matter what, I will protect everyone here.
My Sin will not happen again.

After walking for a few minutes, I spot Gustav and catch up to him.

(Y/N): "Hey! How's it goin?"

Gustav: "Oh, it's good to see that you're okay! I'm alright, just . . . Well I'm worried."

(Y/N): "Well I can't say I blame you for that. I mean the Commandments wil-"

Gustav: "No not that, I truly believe in you guys. It's more . . Well it's about Jericho."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

We walk out onto a balcony and he stares out over the Kingdom.

Gustav: "Well, do you remember when you saved Jericho and I? How I was almost killed?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, why?"

Gustav: "Well . . . It made me think."

He turns to face me

Gustav: "If anything every happens to me, can you please promise me two things?"

(Y/N): "I- uh . . Sure? What are they?"

He starts walking again and I follow.

Gustav: "I believe you'll do this anyway, but I want you to protect her. I did my best but it seems to have had the opposite effect."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Gustav: "Well, I told her she couldn't be a Holy Knight because she was a girl, amongst other reasons."

(Y/N): "What? Why would you say that?"

Gustav: "To discourage her. Holy Knights are put in dangerous situations all the time, and I wanted her to be safe. But my efforts just drove her further."

I look down at the ground for a few seconds

(Y/N): "Well, look at it this way. Holy Knights can defend themselves far better than normal townsfolk."

An image of dead village people, gashes all over their bodies flashes through my mind for a second, making me stop in my tracks.

Gustav: "That's a good- what's wrong?"

(Y/N): "Oh, nothing, I just . . Uh . . I got lost in thought for a second."

He leads me to a door, qnd when we step in, he immediately goes for a peice of clothing he has laid out.

Gustav: "This was a gift to me from my father, but if anything happens to me I want Jericho to have it."

(Y/N): "I- alright? I'll give her the shirt and the . . . Half cape thingy?"

It's not really a cape, it just covers the shoulders and has a high collar.

Gustav: "Thank you. One more thing, keep her happy. That's all I ask."

I look him in the eyes and nod.

(Y/N): "I will."

When I get back to the room, Jericho is the only one left, asleep in the bed.

I take one last look out the window, and then take off my armor.
She's close to the middle, but eh, oh well. Guess that just means she's going to blush really hard when she wakes up.

I lift up the blanket, crawl in right behind her, and put my arm around her. I pull up the blankets and cuddle up to her.

I slowly drift off, thinking about three things: Protecting Jericho, Keeping Gustav safe, and saving the Kingdom and all its people.

Then I'm falling. Falling in nothing but darkness, and when I slam against the ground, it takes me a minute before I can see. When I look up, an old man is pointing at me. Wait. T-This is-

Then he's gone. I get up and look around, but there's nothing except darkness and the white floor.

Meliodas: "(Y/N)!"

I spin around, but instead of Meliodas it's Melascula.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.
The old man walks into my line of sight, along with a bunch of random people. Wait- I know these people!

Then the wing of an angel appears in the corner of my eye, and when I spin around to look, it's Jericho.

I fall to my knees and try to scream, but still nothing comes out. She's impaled with every weapon I had ever seen in my life.

I jolt awake, and when I look around, everything is fine. Jericho is safe and The Castle isn't being attacked. I put both arms around her and pull myself close to her, smelling her hair.

Then I drift slowly off again.

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