Immense Strength

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I punch the air as hard as I can, watching a massive boulder explode in the distance. Good, but not nearly enough. Not if I'm gonna have a chance against more than one of them. Especially Escanor.

I straighten up and look at the sunset, it's golden glow spanning over the mountains and across the field. It'll be night in a few minutes, and that's where the training can really begin. It's perfect- if I attack at night, not only will I have an advantage by default, but Escanor won't be a problem. And Meliodas is dead, so no problem there. King and Diane are still weak enough to be crushed under my heel, and Gowther shouldn't be too hard given how I can redirect his energy . . . But the last two.

Merlin is scary no matter what, so I'll have to be tricky . . . And I don't want to find out what happens if she uses absolute cancel on a being held together with magic. And then there's my bastard other half. 70,000. An impressive number, but one that we've surpassed a few times.

I expand my arm, with my energy now being entirely black with a red outline. Right as the light finally dips behind the mountains, I careen my arm forward, shattering the nearby landscape.

(E/Y/N): "Oh- maybe I've grown more than I thought!"

I stand triumphantly. I held back the usual amount, but clearly it wasn't enough! Alright, let's cut loose, I wanna see what I can really do!

(E/Y/N): "Full Wolf!"

I begin to expand into a Humanoid mass of black, detailed only by glowing red lines, with a gleaming purple seeping out of my eyes. Its never looked less like a wolf.

I look down at myself and put my hands on my hips. Maybe I should call this Full Demon or something . . Oh well. I shake my head and plant my feet, wrapping my arm in a tendril.

(E/Y/N): "No holding back . . . Just pure, physical strength."

I take a step forward, aiming for a distant mountain. As soon as my footing is secure, I use the little momentum that step bought me, and lean my entire body into the punch. I use every ounce of strength I have in my right arm, but that's not all. I use my tendril to pull my arm forward even harder than before.

The ground cracks and shifts all around me, knocking down trees and splitting every rock withing a 200 foot radius of me, with shockwaves going dozens of times farther. Trees, houses, boulders, hills, and a smaller mountain all crumble before just the air pressure from my punch before it finally reaches my intended target. The mountain erupts just the same as everything else, with my air pressure continuing forward, leaving a mass of chaos behind it.

A tornado touches down a few feet to my left, as it begins raining. I look up, and sure enough, the clouds are spinning. I glance back towards the mountain and see that at least four others were destroyed, but any farther than that is out of eyesight.

I look down at my hand and laugh.

(E/Y/N): "Now this is power. I'd reckon that's about 80,000. It'd be higher if I had Balmung, but I figure the other plan works better in the long run . . ."

Anyway . . . I should focus more on energy stuff than strength, wouldn't want any weaknesses for the big day!

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