Serpent Sin Of Envy

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I tried to get some sleep after yesterday, it wasn't hard but it was a long day. There was just one thing that messed up my sleep. There was a damn party in the tavern because Meliodas pulled the sword, and everyone was getting drunk, Elizabeth was tripping, people were laughing, I just couldn't sleep.

I walk downstairs and don't see Meliodas or Elizabeth, so I look around until I see them through a window. I go outside to them and Meliodas is not looking at Elizabeth as she talks. Soon I figure out why as I feel a bunch of energy flying towards us.

Meliodas is catches a spear sparking with lightning and gets pushed through several buildings from it's force and power. He throws it right back where it came from.

"Who did that?" I asked as I hopped down.

Meliodas: "Gilthunder."

(Y/N): "Wait really? Why would he do that?"

Meliodas: "I dont know but I'm gonna find out."

We go back up to the tavern and Elizabeth has a worried look on her face.

Meliodas: "Yo Elizabeth!"

Elizabeth: "What was that? Are you guys okay??"

(Y/N): "Well I didn't do anything, but dont worry about The Captain. He's a tough dude."

Time Skip

I had finally gotten to sleep but was awoken by Meliodas poking my face for about 5 minutes. When I finally awake I am pissed, so I punch him and he flies into the doorway, bounces off, and falls down the stairs.

(Y/N): "Oh! Meliodas I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard!"

"Oh dont worry about it, (Y/N). Unless you broke anything that is" he says coming up the stairs.

I get out of bed, get dressed, and head downstairs to make breakfast. I make everyone some soup and Hawk loves it, saying that "Nothing Meliodas had ever made could compare!"

While we were eating I decided to ask why Meliodas woke me up.

Meliodas: "Well it's because were going to try and find another sin!"

(Y/N): "Wait what? Which one?"

I kinda hope it's Diane, I've always had a little bit of a crush on her. King had more of a thing for her though, so I wouldn't try and ruin anything for him.

Meliodis: "I don't know, we honestly dont even know if there is a sin there. Worth a shot though huh?"

(Y/N): "Oh. Sure I guess. Wait where are we going anyway?"

Meliodas: "Oh, The Forrest Of Whit Dreams."

I had never heard of it, but it sounded kinda cool so I was down to go.

When we finally get there though, its actually really underwhelming. Nothing but fog and dead trees. But Meliodas seems convinced there could be a sin here, so who am I to say no to my Captain.

After a bit of walking, Hawk breaks the silence.

Hawk: "We've been out here for 3 hours now. There's no sign of animals here, much less any humans."

Elizabeth: "You're right Hawk. Sir Meliodas, do you really think we'll be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here?"

Meliodas: "Probably."

Hawk: "You mean we can here without any evidence? I hear there's a monster here who's been watching, and waiting-"

Elizabeth: "Ah! There's something grabbing me from behind!"

I turn around and clench my fists, ready to fight, but it's just Meliodas.

Meliodas: "Hey relax, just me."

She seems relieved, for some reason, and Hawk starts yelling at Meliodas again.

I zone out thinking about where my weapon must be now, but when I come to Elizabeth is grabbing her butt looking panicked.

(Y/N): "Is something wrong, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth: "Oh no, its nothing (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "If you say so."

But less than a minute later she's doing it again.

(Y/N): "Elizabeth something is clearly wrong. Now dont take this the wrong way, but I'm going to check and see if something is wrong."

She looks super panicked as I approach, so that makes me feel really unsure of this. But I am interrupted by . . . A whole bunch of Hawks??

(Y/N): "Woah what is that? Can he multiply Captain?"

Meliodas: "Not that I'm aware of."

The pigs seem confused, and all run to him claiming to be the real one. Meliodas thinks for just a second, and jumps at them all, knocking them over. They all complain that he's not a nice man and hide behind Elizabeth.

We all look around in confusion as ther are suddenly about 15 of Elizabeth.

(Y/N): "WHAT?"

They all start flirting with Meliodas and claim to be real, but all Meliodas is concerned with how many boobs there are.

There is a weird voice that Meliodas seems to hear as well, telling us to leave.

(Y/N): "Nope. We will not go anywhere until we are satisfied, alright weird voice?"

Then all the Elizabeth's starts walking towards us flirting with the Captain, breaking branches on their way.
They all jump for him, but he lands on a rock nearby.

I can tell what he's about to do, so I go on ahead. After a minute of them not catching up though, I go back and see Meliodas handing Elizabeth some underwear.

(Y/N): "Uh, Captain? Why did you have underwear?"

Meliodas: "Hehe!"

Well alright then. We run after the hide and seeks that messed with us, those damn shapeshifters had messed with me before.
After a minute of chasing them we come to a clearing, and I gasp.

The hide and seeks were talking to Diane about holy knights getting in, and she woke up and stood tall (literally).

Diane looked at us, and picked me and the captain up.

Diane: "You're in trouble, Holy Knights."

Elizabeth: "You let go of sir Meliodas and (YN)!"

She looks closer at us.

Meliodas: "Yo Diane, what's it been, like 10 years?"

(Y/N): "Hey Diane!"

Her eyes light up and she starts rubbing the captain against her cheek yelling "Captain Captain Captain!"

Then she looks at me.

Diane: "Hey (Y/N), I missed you too!"

(Y/N): "Thanks . ."

See that was the thing. She really liked the Captain, so King and I didn't really have any chance.

Then she looks at Elizabeth, and her clothes, and sets me down. She looks at Meliodas.
She throws him with so much force there is a small shockwave, and screams at him calling him a womanizer.
Meliodas walk out of the rubble.
Diane falls to he knees, and starts to cry.

Diane: "Waaa! After all this time I'm finally reunited with the man I love and now he's with another woman! But still, if you have an explanation, I'm ready to listen."

Meliodas starts to speak but is immediately smashed into the ground over and over and over by Diane, making a huge crater.
Why did I like her again? Oh well I'll think more on that later.

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