The Assault Begins

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I crack my eyes open and blink a few times, then sit up and stretch.
I slowly slink out of bed, careful to not wake Jericho up.

I walk over and open the curtains, and it's still fairly dark. The sky is just starting to turn slightly purple though.

I go over and strap on my armor, still careful to make as little noise as possible.

I take one last look out the window before I step out the door, but stop in my tracks.


I run over and start shaking Jericho awake

(Y/N): "Jericho wake up!"

She opens her eyes half way and moves to face me.

Jericho: "What d-"

I scoop her up in my arms and run out the door as fast as I can. Just as I turn the corner the room we were in explodes.

(Y/N): "Jericho find a sword and get to safety!"

Jericho: "But-"

(Y/N): "GO!"

She hesitates for a moment, but turns and runs away.

I run and jump out of the exploded wall, and try my best to go full Tendril, but only get about 3/4ths of the way there.
I zip over to the Demons who have yet to break through the wall, yet are still shooting at the castle.

I land right beside one and jump all the way up to its head, uppercut it, then shoot out a tendril onto its shoulder and use Leach.

When I drop down, I'm already feeling more powerful. Guess I really didn't have much in me if a Red Demon was all it took to make a noticeable difference.

A Gray Demon lands behind me and shoots a laser at me, but an Absorbing Sheild sprouts out of my back to take the blast.

Then I stick him with a Tendril and use Leach again.

Oh yeah, now this is more like it.

He goes to swipe at me, but I catch it with my bare hands. Or at least I try, but I'm still not quite strong enough. It makes me slide back a bit before I can completely stop it, but I don't go far.

I extend my right arm into a blade-like shape, and slice the Demon's arm clean off.

It reels back in pain, but before it can even react much I jump up and smack it across the face with its own arm.

I shoot 3 Tendrils into the wall behind him, and pull myself towards him as fast as I can, kicking it in it's right eye. But I don't stop like I had thought i would, I keep going until I come out the other side.

I land on the wall and dig into it, looking back. Far more Demons.

I jump out and shoot 3 Tendrils at a few Demons and Leach from them.

I land and look at my fist, then make it twice as big.

Ohh yeah, only a few dozen more and I'll almost be half way back to where I was.

I lift up my head in the sudden realization that I forgot Balmung, and slice through a few Demons on my way back to the Castle.

I go up to where the room Jericho and I were in was, but yeah there's not much left.

I drop down below and search through the rubble until I feel it calling to me.
I find it fairly quickly and jump up as high as I can, and zip towards the Demons.

I split Balmung in two and hold the blades in a slightly crossed way, and start spinning.

When I arrive, I go straight through two Red Demons and half way into a Gray Demon, killing it.

The Sun peeks up above the horizon now, so Escanor should be out soon enough.

A whole squadron of Holy Knights drops down behind me, which catches me off guard. But when I realize what they are, I turn my backs to them and face the Demons, absolutely ready.

We all charge into battle, and I plow through more and more of them, all while using Leach on as many as I could.

By the time it seemed like 9 am, a I was almost back to how I was when I first met Melascula.

Speaking of, I can sense some powerful energy heading towards us. But it's not King or Diane, this is-

The Commandments.

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