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I think I can faintly hear something, but honesty I can't really tell. Wait its getting louder and more clear now. Wait is that?

I wake up to Jericho yelling at us to get up because people have been staring at us for hours.

(Y/N): "Huh? Wait what? People are staring at us? I . . . What happened? What did I do?"

Jericho: "I dont know but you've been sleeping for hours! Did you not remember that I was outside?"

(Y/N): "Wait hours?! Oh . . . Jericho I'm sorry I didn't me-"

Ban: "What was all that yelling about?"

Jericho: "All these creeps were staring at you guys!"

Ban: "No, they were staring at you. Wearing nice clothes basically means Hey look I have money. Plus you've got the sent of a woman."

Ban gets up and walks away, and I follow him and Jericho follows me.

We stop at a hotel. When the owner asks for the money, Ban days Jericho will pay.

(Y/N): "Wait no I can-"

I reach to my pockets but I forgot to bring anything with me. WAIT I'VE BEEN IN MY SLEEPWEAR THIS WHOLE TIME!
Just play it cool, act like you've known this the whole time.

(Y/N): "Well, sorry I uh, I dont have any with me."

Jericho pays for a room for all of us, and as soon as we get in there, Jericho screams about bugs and hides against the wall. When she calms down though, Ban sets down his bag, Jericho takes off her sword and gauntlets, and I . . . well I dont have anything to unload.

Jericho gets into the bed, and Ban and I get comfortable on the floor.

Jericho: "Hey (Y/N), you wanna get in the bed? There's some room next to me."

(Y/N): "Uh, I uh, well, *ahem* uh . ."

Ban punches my arm.

Ban: "Go over and be with your beloved, I'll be fine all on my own here. I'm used to sleeping on the floor anyway."

I know I was invited to the bed, but I still felt really nervous and unsure on my way over. Not because I didn't want to, but because . . . Well its obvious.

I look back to Ban when I'm almost there, and he doesn't notice.

Jericho scoots to the side closer to the wall, realizes that that's where the bugs were, and scoots to the other side so I have to climb over her to get to my side.

When i finally settled in, this feeling of excitement came over me, as well as immense fear. Her silver-ish purple-ish hair was down, and it went about half way down her neck.

Jericho: "So, uh, I see you're prepared."

(Y/N): "Wait what? Prepared for what?"

I start to panic slightly.

Jericho: "You have sleepwear."

(Y/N): "Oh! Uh, yeah well, I meant to bring them!"

We all hear a guy yell something from outside the window, so we go look to see what's going on.

We see a small group of people beating up someone in tattered clothes.

(Y/N): "We should go help!"

Ban: "No, just ignore them. It happens all the time."

(Y/N): "But we can't just-"

One of the guys: "We know all about it, you monster! You're the one who's bringing Dead people back to life, aren't ya?!"

I watch as one of them lifts his stick to hit him again, but almost immediately they were all on the ground and Ban was standing there, holding the cloaked person on his shoulder.

When he comes back in, Jericho and I are confused.

Jericho: "What are you doing? You said not to go help!"

Ban: "Well that was before one of them said this was the guy who was bringing people back from the dead."

(Y/N): "Wait what? We found 'em?

Ban throws the guy at the wall, and Jericho screams. He does several flips, lands on the wall, and flips off it.

(Y/N): "Wait is that a beast man?"

Ban pulls out Jericho's money pouch.

Ban: "A werefox huh? And you're not a bad thief. I'll give it back to her for you."

He hands Jericho her money.

Werefox: You're not bad, youngster. Hate to admit it but I've lost my edge."

Ban: "That story about you bringing people back from the dead. Is it true or what?"

Werefox: "Sorry to disappoint, but beast men dont have that kind of power. If we're done here, I'll be leaving."

He takes a step, and falls over.

Ban: "Lovebirds, give him you bed."

When he finally gets situated, the first thing he says is "Finally. Now my children and I can be reunited again."

(Y/N): "Are you saying you're gonna die?"

He looks at me, then looks back at the ceiling.

Werefox: "Yes."

Ban looks like he's in deep thought, so I nudge his shoulder.

Jericho: "Is something wrong?"

Ban: "Nope."

Werefox: "Its strange. When I look at your eyes, they remind me of the eyes of my son."

(Y/N): "Wait what? Who?"

Were fox: "The man in red. I made a terrible choice. If hadn't overslept or made the wrong choice . . . Then maybe I wouldn't have lost everything I care about."

Ban: "You weren't wrong about anything. Even if you had saved me, if I found out you abandoned you real son, your own flesh and blood, I never would've forgiven you."

(Y/N): "Ban what do you mean?"

The beast man looks at me. His eyes open wide and he looks back to Ban. He sits up and crys onto Ban's shoulder.

(Y/N): "Waiy so . . . So you're his son Ban?"

Ban: "Yup."

I look at Jericho, and she looks at me.

(Y/N): "You wanna give them their privacy?"

Jericho: "You mean go somewhere? With you?"

(Y/N): "Yeah something like that. I feel like this should be their moment."

Jericho and I head out, going on a midnight walk.

Seven Deadly Sins X Reader, Wolf Sin Of Despond Where stories live. Discover now