Journey To The Fairy King's Forrest

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I wake up to Merlin telling me to get ready for the event tomorrow.

(Y/N): "But why do I have to get ready if it's tomorrow?"

Merlin: "We need to make sure everything fits so you're not embarrassed at the ceremony."

With that, she leaves. That's it. She just leaves. I go put on my clothes that apparently King and Diane got me. They fit pretty nice, and are very comfortable! King always did have a knack for comfort.

I go outside to see Diane yelling at Ban for not wearing his outfit.

After a while of drinking and just hanging out, Meliodas walks out to Ban and starts talking to him. I dont think much of it, but when he comes back in he seems slightly disappointed. It's hard to read anything from his face, but I'm really good at it.

I pull him away, only "slightly" drunk.

(Y/N): "So, Cap(hic)tain, what was that ab(hic)out?"

Meliodas: "Ban says he's quitting the Seven Deadly Sins."

(Y/N): "Whaa? Ah I'm sure he'll (hic) change his min . . . His mind."

Meliodas: "I hope so, but he is Ban. I dont think that's gonna happen."

Then I passed out.

I wake up super early and see king floating away. Out of curiosity I follow him, and see he's following Ban. I decide to tag along, but unnoticed. I also think I can feel a presence in the bushes, but its probably Oslo.

After following them for a few hours, I can hear King say something about The Fairy Kings Forrest. Just as I'm about to go into thought, the branch I'm on breaks.

(Y/N): "Uh, hey guys?"

Ban: "(Y/N), what the hell are you doing here?"

King: "Woah, where'd you come from??"

(Y/N): "I uh, well I was following you guys to make sure nothing happened? Heh heh . . ."

Ban: "You idiot."

(Y/N): "Soo. You mind if I keep tagging along?"

King: "I dont really care if you follow or not."

Ban: "Fine. C'mon."

After quite a but more walking, we are in a rocky desert and Ban tries to get rid of king yet again.

Ban: Are you sure about this King? Diane said if you leave She'll be so sad she dies."

King: "Wait, what? Are you for real?"

I can help but laugh a little.

King: "That's not funny (Y/N)! Ban did that actually happen?"

Ban: "Nah, I'm jokin!"

King responds by stabbing him in the head.

(Y/N): "Hey King, you notice how there are 2 spurts of blood coming from his head?"

King: "Yeah, what about it?"

(Y/N): "Kinda looks what happens to you every time you daydream about Diane!"

Ban lets out a laugh.

King flings his spear at me, but my head and upper chest split into tendril form and dodge it.

Ban turns around and smashes a rock to reveal . . Jericho? That girl we fought a few times and I saved from being a demon? What is she doing here?

Jericho: "Uh, Hey!"

Ban: "Uh, its Johnco, right?"

She runs up to him.

Jericho: "Its Jericho!"

(Y/N): "What are you doing here?"

She looked really cute actually.
Jericho looks at me.

Jericho: "Well, it looked like you were going somewhere, so I kinda followed you, and ended up following these two as well."

Ban: "Oh great, 2 stalkers."

Jericho followed me? Why would she want to do that? Well the best way to know is to ask.

(Y/N): "Wh- Why did you follow me?"

Wait. Did I just stutter? When I'm not drunk?? What was that?

Jericho: "It doesn't matter, but it's your fault! So take some responsibility and bring me along!"

Ban: "Nah."

King looks like hes in thought.

(Y/N): "I say w-we bring her."


Ban looks at me, then smiles. "Did you just stutter, (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): "No, I only stutter when I'm drunk, you know this!"

Ban: "Ha, whatever. Fine she can come, if you can get King's nose to bleed before me."

What kind of challenge is that?

King looks at him. "Wait what? No dont do that!"

(Y/N): "Dont worry king, I'm not gonna punch you or anything like that."

King: "Oh whew. Than-"

(Y/N): "Now imagine Diane taking a bath with you."

He looks at me and Ban, angry, and tries his hardest not to make his nose bleed.

Ban laughs and says "This is way better than what I had in mind!"

Jericho just stands there, looking confused.

Ban: "No, imagine her giving you a big ol kiss!"

Jericho: "What is happening?"

King: "Stop it just let her come!"

Jericho has triumphant look on her face.

(Y/N): "Sorry king."

Ban: "Ha, I'm not, that was hilarious!"

We keep walking, now with Jericho. After a couple feet though, a thick fog comes up. Really strange. It gave me a really uneasy feeling, as it messed with my senses.

Jericho: "Where'd all this fog come from?"

She comes up and grabs my arm, making me freeze for a second. And not because I thought she was some fog monster.
I look at her for a second, then immediately look away. Was I really starting to like her?

Jericho: "Sorry, I just dont want to get separated."

Wait did she mean did she not want to get separated because it might be dangerous, or- wait why am I thinking about this?

(Y/N): "O-Oh, no worries, its fin-fine."

Oh no . . . Why is this happening? I thought before, after I saved her that that was just a reaction to holding a naked woman, not . . . Not this! But . . . She is really kinda cute though . . . And that bow in her hair is cute too. Ahg Focus, (Y/N), there could be a fog monster thing.

Ban notices me stuttering again and laughs lightly. "Relax, we're fine." The fog disappears as we walk.
Jericho looked at her hands on my arm for a second, then quickly let go and put her hands to her side.

Jericho: "Where are we?"

Ban: "The Fairy Kings Forrest."

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