The Feilds

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This is the best experience of my life. I never want this to end. We've only been in a kiss for about 3 seconds,

Ban: "Well well well, the lovebirds finally figured out there're in love!"

We instantly break the kiss, to my dismay, and look to see Ban, walking towards us.

(Y/N): "Ban, I swear, your timing is the worst I have ever seen in my damn life."

I look back to Jericho, and her entire face is red.
I look back to Ban.

Ban: "Hey, I'm sorry, I just came to get you guys."

(Y/N): "Oh and you couldn't have waited another minute or two?"

Ban: "Hey, how was I supposed to know you guys would be making out?"

(Y/N): "It was one kiss Ban, that's not a makeout!"

Ban: "Alright, whatever you say. C'mon back to the hotel."

We follow Ban back to the hotel. The whole walk over there I can't stop re-living that moment. Every time I look back at Jericho, she's still blushing.

When we finally get there, the Beast Man is still on the bed.

(Y/N): "So what's he doin?"

Ban: "He's dead."

Jericho: "Wait what? He's just dead?!"

Ban: "Yup."

Ban genuinely looks sad.

Ban: "So let's get to sleep then, huh?"

(Y/N): "What are we gonna do with him?"

Ban: "Just move him to a corner for now, we can take care of him tomorrow."

After we move him, we all just get back to the spots we were; Ban on the floor, and Jericho and I in the bed.

After a few minutes, I can't help but talk to Jericho.

(Y/N): "Jericho?"

Jericho: "Yes?"

(Y/N): "I dont know I just wanted to talk."

Jericho: "Oh. Well, tonight was fun."

She blushes again, not that she had fully stopped though.

(Y/N): "Oh yeah. Especially when we beat up those guys."

Jericho: "Oh . . Yeah that was ok . ."

(Y/N): "Jericho."

Jericho: "Yeah?"

(Y/N): "You know what my favorite part was."

She smiles and blushes a little.

Jericho: "Me too."

(Y/N): "Your favorite part was when we couldn't decide what to talk about?"

Jericho: "No, I me-"

(Y/N): "My favorite part what in that second alley. The whole thing. Especially the part where we-"

Ban: "Guys I'm trying to sleep here. Reminisce about your great love for eachother tomorrow ok?"

(Y/N) and Jericho: "Right sorry."

We look at eachother, and that's the last thing I see before I drift off to sleep. Her face. Can't think of a better sight.

I wake up to the sound of Jericho . . . Yelling? No, it sounds more like normal talking. As I fade out of sleep and into reality, her voice gets clearer.

Jericho: "-ake up, (Y/N), Ban's getting ready and he said he'll leave without you if need be."

I open my eyes and see Jericho staring back, so I take a moment to admire.
I sit up, slowly, and stretch.

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