Ch. 67 | Rating Game pt. 3 | A.Awakening

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}



Rias' peerage was definitely able to gain more of an advantage when dealing with Riser's now that they knew the tricks they used to reduce their damage to 0. 

Now that they could damage them, they had an actual chance of victory. However, even if they were of higher level, and had some more skills, didn't mean they would win in the end, after all, Riser's equipment was still superior in every way, they had the best weapons for their level, armor with extremely useful and strategical effects and they outnumbered Rias' peerage. 

By the way, the fight was going it was certain who was going to win the battle. 

Riser's queen was now dealing with Issei, who kept trying to punch her to get her out of the match as fast as possible, and although he was able to get a punch here and there, Yubelluna's equipment allowed her to tank his hits. 

Kiba was being overwhelmed with various different members of Riser's peerage, as they attacked the long-distance damage dealers first. 

"Can't you see my Dear Rias, there is nothing you can do to win, just make things easier for all of us and surrender," said Riser, shrugging as he looked at the redhead struggle against several of Riser's Peerage members. 

The fight dragged out for a long time, and eventually, only a few of each side remained, Kiba managed to take out a few of the enemy forces by sacrificing himself and hitting them with one last detonation spell, sending him to the audience seats, Koneko held down one of Riser's swordswomen so that Rias was able to cut her down and Akeno was far too weak to be of much help, she had used practically all of her Mp and Hp while she was attacked and if things kept going they would certainly lose. 

"We won't give up yet!" yelled Issei, running towards Yubelluna who jumped away and snapped her fingers, exploring the ground below Issei.

"Magic Mine," she said with a smirk on her face. The blast resulted in Akeno getting hit and getting removed from play.

Now it was Yubelluna, Ravel, Ni, Li, and Riser himself against Rias and Issei, their chances of victory were minimal. 

Rias couldn't help but clench her fist, she could see the chances of victory were practically none, there was nothing she could do. She felt her stomach sink to the deepest ends of her body, she heard her heartbeat inside of her head, not allowing her to think straight, but most of all, she remembered just how much was at stake and how much she would lose was she to fall in that arena. 

Issei wasn't fairing much better, with his Hp at a low 10, there was not much they could do against the remainder of Riser's peerage, who had nearly all of their Hp. 

The match was practically over already, and yet, Rias kept thinking of possibilities. 

How could she win?

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