Ch. 108 | Monarch of War

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Jinwoo hadn't met someone as tricky to fight against since he'd fought against Thomas Andre... no, to say Thomas Andre was as tricky as the teenager-looking monster in front of him would be a great disservice. 

One eye was crimson red with a pin-wheel-like pattern. The other had a purple eye with golden rings and black comas spread across it. They followed about with great precision as if they could see into the future. 

Silver hair and several weapons that Jinwoo didn't even know the purpose of -- he didn't use any of them.

By himself, the teenager wasn't that fast. He couldn't even keep up with Quicksilver that well, his eyes couldn't match Jinwoo's speed... but somehow, the kid still managed to dodge. It wasn't just quick reflexes, his movements began before Jinwoo could take a step forward. 

The teenager in front of him could glance into the future somehow. His hand-to-hand skills were beyond crazy, he fought against an army of shadows as if he were dancing freely without restraint... then on top of that when the shadows began to overwhelm him in power and numbers, he summoned monsters of his own. 

He was somehow able to keep up with both Beru and Igris. Any thoughts of the boy being human left Jinwoo's mind. He was not a Ruler's avatar like his father, which only left one last explanation... he was a monarch like himself. There was an air of power around him for sure. 

He could drain the shadows' energy which forced Jinwoo to pump mana into maintaining them. It was immediately clear that he would need another strategy to fight such a tough opponent. Recalling his shadows was the only solution, but he had a strategy, when the boy least expected it he would summon his shadows to strike. If Jinwoo was correct, then he could only see the future of wherever he was looking, which meant that if Jinwoo summoned shadows behind him, he could catch the boy off guard.

Huge monsters filled with black piercings and eyes just like his own. Jinwoo used stealth to hide himself and then rushed the enemy with Quicksilver, readying to strike before he could even react to his attacks. 

His dagger swung down in a perfect arc. Jinwoo should have been invisible to the human eye, and yet, the boy's eyes confidently were stuck where he was. A silver aura surrounded him and protected him from harm. Jinwoo's daggers hadn't dented the exoskeleton surrounding him, it managed to stop even his dagger. A silver ribcage that protected him from damage.

Dagger Rush.

Jinwoo summoned all of his daggers at once and threw them telekinetically at the enemy. They shot forth as streaks of light dancing in the sky. The ribcage's power overwhelmed Jinwoo, he couldn't feel any mana from it, but there was a pressure to it that made him sweat from the back of his neck. An arm formed from it's right side and swatted all of the daggers. The hand reached for Jinwoo, but before it could grasp him, he jumped back -- deactivating stealth

He must've had some form of detection magic at all times. 

"What an annoying opponent." It was as if the boy he was fighting against had the counter to everything Jinwoo did. An Exoskeleton which prevented slashing and piercing attacks from his dagger and was a 360 defense -- or so it seemed like. Eyes which could see into the future and helped the boy dodge before an attack happened. Weapons of longer range that could pose a threat that he hadn't even used. The ability to drain a Shadow's energy and as such chip at Jinwoo's mana reserves. 

The enemy he faced was beyond just annoying. He also had those annoying powers like summoning, creating black sticks that disrupted shadows and forced them back into the ground and the ability to repel attacks. Jinwoo could tell why Thomas lost the fight he was in.

Jinwoo sighed and put the daggers away. He pushed his sleeves up and buttoned them neatly. If slash attacks didn't work, then he'd have to use brute blunt force. 

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