Ch. 74 | Tears of Gratitude.

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}


A/n: "shorter chapter than usual, but equally as hard to write. Tried to make it a bit more sentimental, hopefully, it worked, please put your feedback at the end of the chapter, true chads know where."


Third POV:

Y/n's training was intense and it took out the energy of everyone who was in his soulscape. Even with Orihime's runes absorbing the spirit energy in the air it was exhausting, and both Tatsuki and Ulquiorra realized this. Once the ritual ended they both looked at each other and nodded.

"We'll be back in a few minutes," they said. They knew this was a three-part ritual, consisting of three days of doing that exact same thing, so they'd go recharge themselves and come up with a solution to their Spirit Energy problem. 

The thirteen captains stood up from their position and wiped the sweat from their forehead, panting from the spiritual energy exhaustion they felt after the ritual. Everyone who had gone inside Y/n's soul space came out from their sitting positions and got up. It was already the next day and afternoon. Most got up and left so they could go home and eat something.

The only ones left behind were Y/n, Yamamoto, and Urahara. Y/n was still sitting in a lotus position while Yamamoto and Urahara walked to a corner of the room to talk more privately. 

"This is the first day of the ritual out of three," said Urahara with a grim expression on his face, "Head Captain Yamamoto, Y/n's mind," said Urahara, looking at the former head captain who nodded. 

"It's fractured, with gaps in between," said Yamamoto, looking towards his grandson with worry, "I had no idea he was going through so much, I had no clue on the burden he bore," he said gripping his wooden cane.

"Yes, it doesn't seem something that could be fixed with this ritual alone," said Urahara, tilting his hat down as he looked at Y/n, "In fact, there is a risk that this ritual will forever harm his soul and mind," he said, making the head captain close his eyes and nod. 

"I think you know yourself Kisuke Urahara," said the head captain, "That boy is the last person to give up, if something is bothering him he will go to the ends of the world to make that something stop," said the head captain with a smile. 

"Make it stop? More like wipe out of this plane of existence," mused Urahara with a chuckle. 

"This ritual will not fail," said captain Yamamoto, "That boy is strong, he adapts quickly, and I am sure he will confront all of his fears and resurge from this stronger than ever," he said, making Urahara sigh as he smiled.

"Imagine a Y/n who is calm and collected in battle," said Urahara, shivering while putting his hands on his shoulders, "Whooh, it sends shivers down my spine," he said with a laugh. 

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