Ch.2| Orphanage

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

"La Tizona speaking with Y/n"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Y/n's POV:

I sat on the back of the room as we are dinner together. This was unfortunately a religious church which meant that I had to pray to something I didn't believe in. I wasn't religious at all so I just pretended to pray and then ate the little food the establishment provided. 

[Quest Alert! Do the dishes!]

[Description: It's important to look after one's self! Clean the dishes!]

[Reward: 10Xp +3 SP]

[Failure: You get grounded]


I pressed yes and took my dishes to the sink. I then started cleaning them to the best of my ability. Having tiny fingers and arms is really annoying. 'Damn it, I should've fucking asked to be reincarnated as a 15 year old at minimum.' I thought as I finished the dishes and a blue screen appeared in-front of me.

[Quest Complete! Do the Dishes]

[Rewards: 10 Xp, +3 SP]

I looked at my bar and saw some hd been filled, I then checked at the amount of xp I needed to level up. Apparently I needed 100 Xp to level up. 'Nice, not too much.' I thought as I walked towards Rose. "Hey, Miss Rose, where do I go to sleep?" I asked making Rose turn around and look at me. 

"Right, I forgot to show you!" She said smiling as she took me by the hand and showed me to my room which was the room of several others as well. "This is it, talk to the others about where you'll sleep later." Rose said as I nodded. 

"Get out of those robes you are wearing by the way." She said making me look at the baggy robes I was wearing. I nodded and folded the Hokage mantel. Rose left the room and I put the mantel along with my locket inside my Heavenly Gates. The Heavenly Gates were really just an inventory that allowed me to review every single item in my head at once. 

I looked at my clothing and saw I was wearing a blue tank top with black shorts.  I opened the door and stuck me head out. I looked left and right to see if anyone was watching. I put my head inside and closed the door. I looked at the window and climbed out of it.

The orphanage was quite small and some of the rooms were built on top of the roof to increase the space inside the building. My room was one of such rooms. I jumped onto the roof and used the various bricks out of place to climb my way down.

Once I arrived down I slowly made my way to a clearing outside the Orphanage with nothing in it. The clearing was the same I had woke up in. It was perfect for training, I didn't push myself enough last time. This time I'll push myself to the limits!

I started running laps around the field. I ran laps until I couldn't run anymore. 'As Guy sensei would say... LET THE FLAMES OF YOUTH BUUUURRRRRNNNNN!!!!' I thought as I felt my leg muscles burn from the exercise. My breathing was heavier and more rapid as I continued running around the field. At one point my running became slow jogging and then practically walking.

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