Ch.11| M.E.R.I.T

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Y/n's POV:

"Well, that was awkwardly fast." I commented turning around and taking the trident which was laying on the floor. "Yea, not exactly how I was expecting it to happen." Meliodas added smirking. "That was an interesting spell." He smirked looking at the trident. "It's my most powerful seal technique." I said smiling his way.

Soon a lady teleported in-front of me and the captain and both Ban and a short brown haired boy wearing a blue jacket with yellow accents came towards me. Ban walking while the other boy, who I knew to be King the Grizzly's sin of sloth was floating. "That was quite the display." King said narrowing his eyes at me. 

"Who exactly are you?" He asked me while I looked at the staff. 

[Baransusēji ryū keimusho: The strongest sealing bakudo, the "Balance Sage Dragon Prison". It is used by using the strongest Hado: Goryūtenmetsu and then joining the five dragons into one to create the first prison seal the Bakudo Dai kenja ryū shirushi, that bakudo implodes in it-self creating a small prison dimension while the exterior transforms into a spear with the amount of blades proportional to the amount of things sealed inside. This seal can only be destroy through soul destruction, however if this is done a risk of damaging the contents inside exists]

'Basically they are sitting ducks until I say so' I observed  shifting my attention to the staff. I put my equipment inside my Heavenly gates which caused a surprised reaction to come from the spectators. "My name is Y/n Sōsuke. Nice to meet you." I introduced bored. Ban nodded while inspecting me. 

"Interesting" He mused in a sing-song manner as I turned away from him and walked towards Meliodas. "Thanks for the help!" He said smiling as I shrugged. "Didn't do it for free. I'm not that nice." I said smirking at his shift from relaxed to serious. "Oh? What do you want for payment?" He asked looking at me.

"Elizabeth seems like a good deal no?" I asked looking at the princess of leones who blushed. Meliodas' magic spiked through the roof to the point I could somewhat feel it's presence. "Chill man. I'm joking I'm a taken man" I said taking the locket from my Heavenly Gates and showing the picture of Tatsuki, Ulquiorra and me to him. He visuably relaxed and nodded handing the locket back.

"Quite the player aren't you? Two at once." He joked as I scoffed. "They decided it without me. Not gonna complain though, they are both amazing, strong and beautiful." I said thinking of my girlfriends. Meliodas nodded and his little smirk shook as he stared at me. 

"What are you asking for then?" He mused putting his now not broken arm on his chin and scratching. "I want you to teach me your magic. Full Counter" I said looking at Meliodas who smirked. "Why would you want to learn that?" He asked as my smile dropped. 'My chances of going back to my world and seeing them increases if I do.' I thought grimly looking at the captain of the seven deadly sins. 

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