Ch. 81 | Time-Space Manip is Bullshit

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking...Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically" or "sudden flashback" you'll know from context

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action

{Lucid Adventure}



"Dibs on the one to the right!" yelled Kolya, disappearing and re-appearing near one of the Arrancars before kicking it far away from him, behind the Arrancar a swirl of energy appeared, it all swirled and bent creating a small orb the Arrancar was sucked into. Kolya sprinted forwards and went inside the same portal. Kolya found himself in a black void with only an Arrancar in front of him. 

"Sorry about the place," said Kolya with a grin, "I didn't have time to decorate yet," he admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. The Arrancar looked left and right, unsure of where it was or how he has arrived there. Kolya looked at it confused and chuckled, "Oh, you don't know where you are," said Kolya extending his right arm while keeping his left on his sheath, "Welcome to dimension #111111A, an empty void I found while traveling around," said Kolya.

The Arrancar huffed and punched forwards, sending a red blast of energy Kolya's way. Kolya -- without any time in between his previous stance -- drew his sword and slashed horizontally, cutting the Bala in half while grinning. "I just took you here because I don't know what kind of pussies are on the other side," said Kolya, lowering his stance and sheathing his sword as he reeled it back, "I'm gonna cut you to pieces, so I hope you like paella," he said, clenching his hands on the blade as he moved forwards -- to fast to see.

Everything slowed down around him as he traveled faster and faster, Kolya swung his sword vertically from downwards upwards, the blade slowly made its way towards the Arrancar's armpit, aiming to cut through its arm completely. Kolya swiftly slashed and heard a strange sound, it was as if the blade had struck metal, then there was a cracking sound before a clanking one. He jumped back and narrowed his eyes, seeing the Arrancar remain as if untouched.

Kolya looked at the sword in his hand and saw it broken into pieces. "Well, this is awkward ain't it?" questioned Kolya, dodging a Bala from the Arrancar. He snapped his fingers, creating yet another portal behind him, and stuck his arm out, while running with the portal, "Yo, Golem, I broke my katana, can you like," Kolya tilted his head and dodged an incoming Bala as he waved his arm desperately through the portal. The Arrancar dashed forwards, trying to attack him, he dodged the sword and punched him, "I don't know, make me another?"

Suddenly twenty katanas appeared on Kolya's side of the portal, "I refuse to make more, that should be more than enough," said Golem as Kolya grinned and took his arm from the portal, he grabbed one of the katanas and grinned as he removed his previous sheath from its previous place and placed the new one on his hip.

"Welp, twenty swords, twenty tries," said Kolya with a smile on his face as he grabbed the hilt of his sword, "let's see how this goes," he thought, slashing horizontally to cut yet another Bala. The Arrancar narrowed its eyes and drew his own sword, pointing it towards Kolya who grinned at the gesture as he sheathed his sword and lowered his stance again, "Let's try this again, this time with more power behind it." he said, dashing forwards and slashing the Arrancar's arm off before sheathing his sword yet again, and jumping back to dodge an incoming horizontal slash coming toward him, "just enough," he said.

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