Ch.110 | Battleholic

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"Ban-Kai! Kyomu"

"What in the --" Antares' became so incredibly slow to my perception. Maybe it was because his hollowfication was fake, but I couldn't feel much of an increase in power from him. I could grab his face so incredibly easily after my Bankai was activated. 

The feeling of the wind brushing against my mask, as I dragged Antares through the floor I had reinforced... It felt freeing. 

I tossed Antares with the arm I used to drag him and he tumbled on the ground, finding his footing after a few spins and turns. He glared at me. His eyes turned eerie yellow from the hollowfication. 

"What did you just do? Our powers should have been similar... if nothing, I should have had an advantage..." His hand shook as he stared at me. A bead of sweat slowly trickled down his face.

Was it the sudden rush of power? I couldn't feel myself quite in the battle... maybe this was what the original Aizen felt. The person in front of me didn't feel like a threat, he didn't feel like he could even keep up with me in battle...  Well, perhaps I was more like Kenpachi -- sealing my power so I could have a more fun and lasting battle with others. 

"Answer me!" He yelled, gritting his teeth, he took a step forward, and with a stare, the ground below his feet crumbled, cracking under the gravity of my spiritual pressure. He fell on his hands and knees at it. Glaring up. 

Maybe a hollowfication alongside a Bankai was too much for him to handle, especially with all of the buffs I got with my titles and equipment on. Should I hold back some? But if I do, then I risk my soul being taken over by him... well, I suppose it would be better to just kill him now. 

"Shhhh, I'm deciding whether I want to read your mind and kill you, or just kill you." I put my right hand's index finger against my lips and hushed him like a parent would a child. He seemed like an infant craving power at that moment. Struggling to push himself off the ground and change in form as he allowed a hollowfication to spread, no -- not letting -- forcing it to take place. 

Antares' hollowfication was weird. His mask was only partially formed, but not because he had Arrancar powers, but rather, because it had stopped forming. I could tell because every once in a while it would try growing, only for it to shatter apart. He was an utter failure. But then, Antares did something I never thought I would see in my wildest dreams. 

His body became compact once again, the mask stabilized and on his hands, a copy of my sword appeared. A grin emerged from my face, I couldn't control it...maybe I really was a battle freak like Kenpachi, because in that moment, I couldn't feel anything other than elation and annoyance. 

Elation at the fact I would fight someone more powerful... and annoyance because he'd just copied my mojo.

"Ban-Kai! Kyomu!" Antares' Bankai form was a little wacky, shattering and coming back together. It looked like a sword which was kept in place by a thread and would collapse with a single strike. He dashed toward me, much faster than before and swung his sword my way. 

I stopped it with a simple parry. He aimed at my neck so incredibly obviously I almost let out a chuckle. 

The resultant energy from the clash travelled, cracking a bit of reality and erasing a mountain from where it had been. From the crack formed, I could see into another dimension, one I'd never been to -- Chainsaw man. His copy of my Ban-kai was more precise than I had expected... still, it was far weaker than my blade. His shattered into a million pieces, and then reformed after Antares jumped back to gather his thoughts.

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