Ch.30 | And so It starts

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A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

NC = Number of Cores

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Y/n's POV:

Sighing I walked to school. I let time go on and on, training and procrastinating and forgot to do the one thing I was thinking about the whole time. I forgot to decide wether to put Issei on my team or let him go on Rias' peerage. 

To be fair the time-line is realistically already completely different. I've taught him boxing. In fact me being here changed everything already. There is absolutely no way I haven't changed everything in this timeline of DxD. 

I walked towards school where Aoi stopped me with a grin. He put his arm around my shoulder while smirking. "Oi, oi Y/n guess what." He whispered as I walked to the school. I had gotten more used to being near him, in fact I'd consider him my friend. He was nice, not an ass, and over all a good person. Not to mention his complete passion for martial arts. If I were to take any humans to the "moonlit world" I would take Aoi, he'd fit the best. 

"What?" I asked as we slowly walked to our classes. "Thanks to you I got a date with Himari!" He said making me smile, he really was a good person. I enjoyed talking to him a lot, he was carefree and honestly didn't care for what others thought of him. He did care what others thought of Himari though, more than he should though. 

Some days back I helped him with his confidence problems near Himari, all I really did was convince him to talk to her. They were obviously in love with each other, so all I had to do was tell Azure to tell her to go on a date with him, and they were set. I walked around when I saw a short girl with hazel eyes walk next to Aoi with narrowed eyes. 'What does she want with him?' I questioned seeing the interest she had on Aoi.

'Actually somehting's been bothering me this whole time' I thought as my heart beat faster in my chest. With a personality like his why didn't Aoi ever appear in the DxD anime, he doesn't like the perverted trio, but loves kendo, in fact he helps around the kendo club now and then. Gulping I came to a conclusion. Rias' increased attention on him, his lack of existence in the anime and manga. There were a few answers but the one I came to put a bitter taste in my mouth.  

'He has a sacred gear' I realised as we arrived to class. Looking at him I used [Observe], I had the bad habit of not using it on people when I met them. The fact he wasn't in DxD prior to my arrival made me believe he wasn't an important, it never struck me as weird and now that I see Rias' increased interest it worries me greatly. 



Name - (Aoi) (Azure)

NC= 0

Allegiance: [None]

Level - 10

Age = 16 years old

Titles - "Martial Arts Prodigy" "Martial Artist's eye" "Martial Artist's body" "Weak constitution"  "Terminal Sickness" "Lung Cancer" "Magic Cripple" "Ultimate Intuition"

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