Ch. 107 | Almighty Push

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Thomas Andre stared at the man in front of him with a certain amount of contempt. The air around him was that of a monster. It was far more suffocating than the monsters he found inside the Gates and it was far more monstrous than the bosses he'd fought against. If he had to compare it to anything, it'd have to be that son of a bitch who put him in a hospital bed, Sung Jinwoo, no, the kid in front of him was even more monstrous than that. 

The instant Thomas Andre transformed, that boy who looked no older than 15 or 17 stared him down with those creepy orbs inside his skulls. One was crimson red and had an odd pattern in it, like a golden pinwheel. The other covered his entire eye with purple and golden rings and golden commas. 

Scarier than that was the mask he put on. The instant the mask came on his face, Thomas Andre felt a pressure he had never felt before. It was like his very existence was being pressured down by the boy in front of him. 

Petrification like a Basilisk, Black lightning like a Xexeu, and an unseen ability like intangibility. On top of that, he can launch invisible attacks?

Every punch he made seemed to somehow damage his insides. Thomas Andre could tell that any other person would have died from his fists. If it wasn't for the high density of mana reinforcing the inside and outside of his body, Thomas Andre would have died ten times by now. 

"Let's stop playing around then!" Thomas Andre grinned while pointing his palm at the demonic boy. "Capture" That was the name of Thomas Andre's strongest technique, where he used his power to form a pseudo-black hole to absorb and crush his enemies. 

The enemy was immediately pulled toward it. 

"Using Pulling against a Rinnegan user? You must be the biggest idiot in the world!"  The boy's trajectory didn't change, in fact, he sped up toward the hole. The instant the hole was to spaghettify him, it collapsed on itself. It was as if something had crushed it from the outside.  Thomas' eyes widened as the boy put a hand on his chest. "Let me show you what a real singularity looks like."

Thomas felt incredible pressure on his body, it was as if something was pulling him. Immediately after, the boy kicked him into the air. It was fast.

Before, Thomas Andre got the impression that the boy wasn't fast, he just predicted his attacks before they happened somehow and dodged at the very last second. This time it wasn't the case, he was as fast as him in his reinforcement form. It was an impressive sudden increase in power. 

Thomas' flight stopped as he used his telekinesis. He looked down, a small orb was fixed on his chest. He wondered what it was, but before he could, something crashed against the right side of his face. He looked sideways and saw a rock there. No, it wasn't a rock, but a part of the ground below them. 

"Oh you've got to be fucking with me." Several pieces of earth began crashing against Thomas at high velocities. They were compressed and then tightened around the black sphere on his chest. He realized a second too late and was now entrapped in a gravity well. Instead of fighting against the black hole-esk sphere, he relaxed his muscles and took a deep breath.

The pressure on him became larger and larger the longer he waited. His back and chest were feeling most of the brunt of the gravity. He could hear his reinforced body crack more and more. The longer he stayed there, the harder it became to get out.

He felt the mana welling inside his body, making sure not to do anything but build it up inside his body. After a few seconds more, he could feel the compressed stone pressing against his spine. It was unpleasant, and it felt like any time soon he would get crushed.  

With a loud roar, Thomas Andre released all the welled up Mana and used his telekinesis to destroy the core he was touching on his chest. Compressing it all and crushing it from all sides to have it implode on itself. 

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